Sunday, March 8, 2009


So Saturday was spent outside with gardening and yard work and playing.
Brady's target deer (whatever they are called) has been outside all winter and he finally put it away yesterday. I just thought it was a funny picture.

Swinging with my brother.

Molly was just keeping a close watch on everybody.

Emma is learning to like the slide, but she is still a bit uncertain.

Emma is keeping a close eye on the dogs. She doesn't want a sneak attack to happen.

Look at my precious boy working! He didn't even complain too much while he got the leaves off the pool cover.

Road Hog.

My absolute favorite flower is the daffodil or what we call a buttercup. When I got up yesterday morning after a very short 2-3 hour nap I had a bouquet of them on the counter with a sweet note from my Ashton. Brady accused him of just trying to get out of work and let me assure you, Brady would know.

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