Spraying for mosquitoes. Can you believe this?
Hanging out at the park and sweating like pigs!
Taking a quick break from all the action.
Okay, so where do I start. Let's just say, a stroll in the park was not exactly that! All of the remaining families met up yesterday afternoon and went to a local park. You have to go under the street to get to the park, so that was fun. Up and down escalators with strollers! We finally got to the park and it was pretty. The kids finally discovered the "amusement park" and rode a couple of rides and went through the haunted house. The boys described the haunted house as being like Spencer's in the mall at Halloween. Really lame according to them and then a Buddhist shrine at the end. Weird. Let me also say, it is so hot and humid here that it's hard to enjoy anything that involves going outside.
After the park stroll, 3 of families decided to head out since we were so hot and the babies (well Emma) was getting cranky and her face was getting more rashed. As we were heading out, we passed the lake and they were fumigating the entire thing with this horrible pesticide that I'm sure was pure poison. We ran with our faces covered out of the park, which was quite a distance. The poor babies shouldn't have ever been exposed to this stuff. It was horrible. Can you imagine the uproar this would cause at home? This stuff was reaching the street as we exited. People were just covering their mouths. Nothing else to do! Okay, so we are out of the park and on the street. That's where the story even gets worse. We were on the other side of the park and went the wrong way and then took a very long tour of China that wasn't intended. It was also in a rather seedy part of town and I have never felt more uncomfortable. I was approached by a Muslim guy who wanted to know where I was from. Totally scary situation and after walking forever and asking numerous people, we finally saw the tower that is in front of our hotel. It was our landmark. At long last, we made it to the street and saw our hotel. Once again, we had to go underneath the street and come out on the other side to our hotel. It was an awful experience and I have never been so glad to get back to our rooms. Along the way, we saw several beggars and it was just heart breaking. There was a child laying on a platform against a wall with blood on his/her neck and was just laying there waiting on you to give them money. There was a policeman very nearby and he didn't seem to be doing anything about it. There was also a man in the tunnel begging with horribly deformed hands and looked as though he had been burned. I couldn't help but thing how glad I am that Emma is coming home with us. What if we would have said no to her referral? I don't even want to think about it. Suffice it to say, it was a day that I will never forget and we are not leaving this hotel on our own again!
Today we have our consulate appointment for the oath taking and then little miss is officially our daughter. It's a very simple and quick ceremony, and then it's over. She will be a McGowan according to the law, but she has been a McGowan for 10 days now!
I keep thinking back to the first few days and how hard they were. She still has some of the "tics" that she had from the beginning, but they are getting less each day. She is not grinding her teeth much at all. She still touches her head with her hand in a repetitive motion, but it's not as much. She loves to spit on her hands and rub her cheeks too. I don't know what that is all about. She is still clicking her tongue some and sucking her imaginary thumb, especially when she is getting sleepy. She is such a good sleeper. We went to bed at 8 p.m. last night and she slept until 6:30 a.m. She wakes up quietly and is so sweet when she looks up and realizes that we are there for her. She just smiles and reaches for us. She really wraps you around her little pinkie. She is a doll and I can't wait for everyone to meet her.
Bo and I were talking about adoption and what it has meant to us. It's hard to believe that you can love someone so much. I have had the privilege of giving birth and I am thankful for that, but this little girl is as much ours as our boys are. Yes, I admit at first, I didn't feel that way and it really worried me. But after a couple of days, God allowed my heart to feel what it needed to feel and she is so our daughter. We are in love with her and are so thankful that on the day we received the call about her that we said yes. We both know there are going to be some hard days ahead and we don't know what all will be involved with her hands and feet, but we will take those days as they come. We can't stand to think what might have been her future if we wouldn't have said yes. God had such an incredible plan mapped out for our lives and hers and we are looking forward to seeing what is ahead for all of us.
We love you all and this will probably be our last blog from China. We have to leave very early in the morning to fly to Beijing. We are not exactly looking forward to the long day ahead, but it will be bringing us home and that is the most important part. We can't wait to get there and see grass and smell the fresh air. There is no fresh air here!
Please pray for our flights home and that Miss Emma will sleep most of the way home. It would be an answer to prayer. We will see you all soon!!!
Sounds like you had an exciting last day! ;) We had a similar experience with the whole crossing the street underneath in the tunnel/metro system as well. It was so hard to figure it out sometimes!
You will fall even more in love with Emma as time goes on. We cannot wait to meet her!
I love the little silk kimono dress, the color is perfect!!
I printed one of the first pics with you holding Emma and put it on the bulletin board in the break room at Bliss. Everyone is in love with Emma can't wait to see her!!
I know she has to get adjusted to her new home first, and we understand if you can't bring her right at first, but we can't wait to see her. She is so special, and I know you are falling more in love each day. I think we all are, just from seeing and reading the pics and blogs. I will continue to pray for you guys and for your trip home.
Blessings, Jenny
I hope your trip home is peaceful and uneventful. It sounds like you guys are falling more into the family that God plans for you to be -- your "new normal" and I'm so happy for you. Your trip has been an inspiration for me (although I'll admit the first few days had ME worried too!!) and I can't wait to make my own trip in a mere 30 days! Hugs, dear friends.
Hope your trip home is an uneventful one! Can't wait to get you guys back home. It's awfully lonesome here in our little corner of the world!
Have a safe trip home and God bless you all.
Can't wait until you get home. You have so many exciting days ahead of you. The first will be getting your darling home for the first time!
Praying for your safe and "easy" return.
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