Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Okay, I'm exhausted and perhaps a little whiny. You've been warned.

I worked the last 2 nights and both of them were fairly rotten. Last night was one of those nights that makes me wonder why I chose the nursing profession. Working in an ER gives you the opportunity to deal with all types of people and I have really been trying to work on my attitude. I've been telling myself as I deal with people "they are a child of God". That's become my mantra, or at least I'm trying. However, when you deal with a belligerent drunk for about 4 hours who refuses to cooperate you tend to think he's the child that God wants to take out to the woodshed and give a good old fashioned beating. That pretty much sums of the night. At one point I just had to go outside and take a good deep cleansing breath and listen to the happy birds and wonder why I haven't won the lottery! Oh, that's right, I don't buy any tickets! Perhaps I should.

On the long ride home from work, while I could only think about what a rotten night I had and how tired I was, I was able to put things in perspective. My family was at home in bed sleeping. Everyone is well, safe, fed, and loved. I did not have to bury my child this week, I'm not living in a tent afraid of aftershocks, I have an abundance of food in my pantry, and I am a child of God. So I said a quick "I'm sorry Lord" for being a whiner and went on about my daily life. It's all in how you look at things.

I have been following Maria's blog and they have reached their destination and will meet their daughter tomorrow. How exciting. If you get a chance, check her out.

Melissa introduced me to a wonderful blog that I think anyone would enjoy reading. It has been so moving and it really touches on so many emotions. Check out Bring the Rain. It will humble you. Be prepared, have a box of tissues handy. You will find yourself crying and laughing at the same time.

Okay, that's all I have. I'm tired. 4 hours of sleep after working 2 nights just doesn't cut it. I'm calling it a day and curling up on the couch soon. I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day. Take time to think about our wonderful country, even with all it's faults, and the men and women who have sacrificed to make it what it is.

1 comment:

Maria said...

As I've been reading your blog this afternoon, the irony of you being at the White House in Washington, DC and my being at the White House in Bishkek and you watching the changing of the guard at Arlington and my watching the changing of the guard here, is not lost on me. While I'm SO HAPPY to have met my sweet baby girl, I SO LONG to be back in the U.S. You are so right, there is no place like home. We can't wait to return.