This child insists on wearing paper clips in her hair and likes to have an ink pen in the waist of her pants. You tell me? Nerd or just plain fashionable.
Okay, so a totally random string of thoughts today.
Emma and I went to our first speech therapy visit this morning and it went well. I was so impressed with the Speech therapist. She gave me some ideas that I hadn't really considered. She suggested making a picture of things that Emma tends to whine for (applesauce, shoes, drink, etc, etc.....) and put it on the refrigerator or door so that she can point to what it is that she wants and then say the word to her each time. I thought that was a good idea and I can only imagine how many times she will point to shoes and applesauce. She was very impressed with Emma's ability to use her fingers so well, especially since she hasn't had OT yet. Emma would pick up little flash cards (like from a Memory game) and put them in a plastic container by dropping them in a coin size slot. She was quick to tell me that she had lots of kids with 10 fingers that can't do that.
Our treat for surviving Speech and going Krogering was a quick drive thru at McDonald's so that Emma could have fries on the ride home, which also has the dual purpose of keeping her awake so that she will take a real nap when she gets home. So she enjoyed her fries and I have discovered that I really like chicken mcnuggets. They are so yummy, especially with honey mustard sauce and a Diet Coke. Who knew that 2 people could eat for less that $5.00.
Emma has been VERY attached to me the last few days. When I say that, I mean LITERALLY holding on to my leg when I go anywhere in the house. She goes to the bathroom with me and sits in my lap while I attempt to take care of nature, she holds on to me while I cook, clean, attempt to blog, do the laundry. Well, to say that it has begun to drive me a little bit nuts might be an understatement. Her only distraction is The Wiggles on occasion and going outside after the boys come home. I have decided that I may have to pay the boys to take her out in the afternoons so that I can cook dinner and breath. Please don't misinterpret what I am saying. I adore my daughter, but I can remember the boys doing the same thing at times and after a while it will make you a little crazy.
Emma loves music and instruments. My plan is to move the keyboard from the man cave up to the living room, take it off the stand, and let her have it. I'm hoping that she will enjoy playing it long enough that I can at least go to the bathroom by myself. We will see how it goes:)
I am okay with Emma's hands. I don't pay attention to them. I do however notice when other people pay attention to them. I understand curiosity, I have been guilty of it on many occasions. I don't however like it. I don't like the feeling that wells up inside of me when I notice someone staring at her. As much as I know this is always going to be an issue, it still makes me furious. I saw 2 teenage girls do a double take today and look at Emma and then whisper to one another. Well, since they were probably underage and assault on a minor may be more than a misdemeanor, I decided to ignore it, but I was quick to give them a look that I hope they understood to mean I knew they were looking at my daughter. Pretty soon, she will know they are looking too and that is what hurts me. I know that God will lead me in preparing Emma for this, but it is still something that I dread.
Okay, so enough of my ranting. I tried to warn you that it was just random thoughts today!
Possibly Emma will have a journalist interest someday. She is preparing!
People have a tendency to look at what is different then themselves. It hurts watching them and I agree you have a right for resentment.
You are doing God's work taking care of one of his!!
Yeah, I feel the same way. And now that S does have a different look, it almost makes me mad when some of the same people say how "good she looks NOW." I want to ask them if they think she didn't before, but as you say we have to set an example for them of how to react and not react. It sounds like you handled the teenage girls well. Too bad B and A weren't with you; they maybe could have given them some education!!! :) Wish I had an easy answer but so far, I haven't figured one out yet. She sure is looking plump lately!!! :)))
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