Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ever Feel Like a Rotten Parent?

What are the first things you learn about babies? Are they hungry and are they dry and/or clean? What was the one thing that I missed yesterday afternoon and couldn't figure out why my daughter was such a bear and turning me into one? A DIRTY diaper, hello! Okay, in my defense, for some unknown reason she didn't smell bad. Go figure. She had already had 3 dirty diapers yesterday and I wasn't expecting the gift of 4. So while I was attempting to get dinner on the table and get Ashton off to AAU I missed a key element and my daughter screamed and was cranky. Well no wonder. Then her little bottom was red and I could have just sat and cried if it would have made any difference. She did get to take a second bath and at least she enjoyed that. So note to self, it might be the diaper goofy!

Today has been a better day than yesterday, SO FAR. She has been somewhat cranky, but not too bad. She is very clingy right now and that makes for a long day. She did enjoy Miss Jennifer this morning when she came and worked with her and then we played outside for a while. She is so funny watching the dogs and the rooster while she is riding in the wagon. She is actually letting Molly (our lab) get closer to her without screaming, but she keeps a very close eye on her. She certainly doesn't like animals or bugs. She absolutely FREAKED when she saw a moth last week.

I have a very profound appreciation for parents of special needs children. I have to admit that probably had no clue exactly how much time is spent taking care of a special needs child. Emma's special needs are not that big of a deal, however, they do require a lot of time spent dealing with different specialities to get her the assistance that she needs. We have finally gotten the approval from TEIS for speech and that starts Thursday. That will be 2 times a week and she also has her EI teacher that comes on Tuesdays. We are waiting to hear about an OT referral and how often that will be necessary. I am running out of available days. I am not complaining and am very thankful that I can take her to the necessary appointments and get her the help that she needs, but it's hard to fit it all in. I simply don't know how a single parent or full time working parent/parents manage. It consumes the calendar and leaves very little time for anything else. So again I say, I really have a new appreciation for those parents with special needs that


Wife of the Pres. said...

The flip side is that we are getting the run-around and being told S has not been in this country long enough to qualify. She desperately needs some help in certain areas. I ly away at night worrying b/c she is already past 3 1/2 and so far behind. How will she ever catch up? Once they hit 3, it is like they are turned loose to the dogs!!! I spent hours every day trying to get S some help, but none so far.

Glad it is working out, but I hear you about all the specialists. Next on our list is the ENT. :)))

Maria said...

Here's my take: ALL kids are special needs. *smile* I'm so glad Emma has you for a mommy! I know she is too.