Yesterday afternoon my girl became even more cranky than usual and held on to me for dear life. I finally noticed that her left foot seemed to be bothering her and she didn't want to put any weight on it. Her left foot is her short foot and the one that we worry about having any tissue break down. The only thing that I noticed was a slight reddened and tender area underneath what would be her big toe. I think it was the beginning stages of a blister and I have no idea how she got it. It was very tender and poor thing just cried and cried. Today it seems a little better and she has put slight weight on it, but she has developed a little limp and looks so cute trying to keep the weight off that foot. I really don't think it's anything serious, but if it's still bothering her tomorrow it might warrant a call to the doctor.
We had speech this morning and Emma was very interested in playing with Play Doh - which she has never shown an interest for here. She also enjoyed bubbles, when only 2 days ago she was terrified of the wayward dish soap bubble. Maybe that desensitized her. She enjoyed her fries on the way home and I hope will take a long nap this afternoon.
No other exciting news on the horizon. House cleaning, laundry, dishes, etc. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Limping Girl
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Deals, Deals, Deals - Oh, and Cute Hair
What can I say, she wanted me to do it. And she looks cute to boot:)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
It's Called a Hissy In the South
Yes, my daughter had another "hissy fit" yesterday at lunch time and was placed in time out where she actually did a little kicking the floor fit. She had a similar episode last week at around the same time so I have decided that the 11-12 hour is definitely our melt down hour. I don't know what triggered it and when she kept refusing to eat her sandwich I finally just put her to bed and that seemed to do the trick. I think she was suffering from too much weekend. She was a bit clingy all afternoon and has developed a runny nose. I suspect she may have allergies as most people do in our great state.
I spent the morning at my favorite place - the dentist's office. I hate going to the dentist. I would rather go to the gynecologist any day of the week than the dentist. That may sound weird, but it's oh so true! So at least that is behind me for another 6 months I hope.
Not too much to write about today. Emma is busy following me around, playing the keyboard, being afraid of a wayward bubble that escaped the dish washing liquid, eating lunch (discovered Giggee's chicken salad and loves it), but so far, NO HISSY FIT today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up
Emma made the most of her time at the ballgames. Playing with her tractor and eating lots of popcorn. Ashton is listening so intently. He's probably thinking, "I wish my mom wouldn't take my picture right now."
Friday, April 24, 2009
This Little Piggy Played Piano
Watching Wiggles, eating goldfish crackers, and simply looking cute. Okay, so I was inspired by my friend Maria when I looked at her blog yesterday and saw Ellie in pigtails. So I decided to give it a whirl while my girl was in the bathtub. Not as easy as it looks and I have lots of room for improvement, but I ask you, is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life?
Playing it with her feet. Have you seen Billy Joel do that? (Well, probably not sober.)
So that about wraps up my morning. Playing with my daughter and enjoying the 80 degree weather. It's a perfect day.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Just a Bunch of Random Stuff - Sort Of Like my Life
This child insists on wearing paper clips in her hair and likes to have an ink pen in the waist of her pants. You tell me? Nerd or just plain fashionable.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ever Feel Like a Rotten Parent?
What are the first things you learn about babies? Are they hungry and are they dry and/or clean? What was the one thing that I missed yesterday afternoon and couldn't figure out why my daughter was such a bear and turning me into one? A DIRTY diaper, hello! Okay, in my defense, for some unknown reason she didn't smell bad. Go figure. She had already had 3 dirty diapers yesterday and I wasn't expecting the gift of 4. So while I was attempting to get dinner on the table and get Ashton off to AAU I missed a key element and my daughter screamed and was cranky. Well no wonder. Then her little bottom was red and I could have just sat and cried if it would have made any difference. She did get to take a second bath and at least she enjoyed that. So note to self, it might be the diaper goofy!
Today has been a better day than yesterday, SO FAR. She has been somewhat cranky, but not too bad. She is very clingy right now and that makes for a long day. She did enjoy Miss Jennifer this morning when she came and worked with her and then we played outside for a while. She is so funny watching the dogs and the rooster while she is riding in the wagon. She is actually letting Molly (our lab) get closer to her without screaming, but she keeps a very close eye on her. She certainly doesn't like animals or bugs. She absolutely FREAKED when she saw a moth last week.
I have a very profound appreciation for parents of special needs children. I have to admit that probably had no clue exactly how much time is spent taking care of a special needs child. Emma's special needs are not that big of a deal, however, they do require a lot of time spent dealing with different specialities to get her the assistance that she needs. We have finally gotten the approval from TEIS for speech and that starts Thursday. That will be 2 times a week and she also has her EI teacher that comes on Tuesdays. We are waiting to hear about an OT referral and how often that will be necessary. I am running out of available days. I am not complaining and am very thankful that I can take her to the necessary appointments and get her the help that she needs, but it's hard to fit it all in. I simply don't know how a single parent or full time working parent/parents manage. It consumes the calendar and leaves very little time for anything else. So again I say, I really have a new appreciation for those parents with special needs that
Monday, April 20, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up
Is that the sweetest little mouth or what? Emma is loving her new head rag thing that Melissa gave her. You can tell by my description that I am a fashion expert.
I am so glad that last week is over with! I am finally feeling better and everyone else seems to be too. I passed ACLS, yeah, and don't have to worry about that for another 2 years. Now I am trying to make up for lost time with my cluttered, crazy house. I have done 8 loads of laundry this morning and still am not finished. I managed to clean out the refrigerator and I hope that I am not the only person who has condiments that are dated 20o7 in their refrigerator. If I am, then shame on me.
- 2 boxes of General Mills cereal
- 4 (6 packs) of Mott's Applesauce
- 1 Crest Pro Health
- 3 John Frieda hair products (shampoo, hairspray, straightening cream)
- 60 count of Zyrtec
- 60 count One a Day Men's Vitamins
- Total before coupons and without tax $68.20
- Total after coupons and ECB (with tax) $39.14
- ECB earned $21.00
- Total $18.14
I was very pleased, especially to get such a good deal on Zyrtec! Living in Tennessee we use a lot of it.
Walgreen's seems to never be as good a shopping experience as I would like for it to be. The cashier seemed to have a really hard time with my items and had to ring it up 3 times. Poor guy. He was also the manager so imagine my feeling of confidence in him. My best deal at Walgreen's was on Claritin which was on sale for $19.99 with a $5 register reward and I had a $7 coupon off. We are in good shape on antihistamines at our house for now!
- Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Spray
- Mitchum Deodorant
- Edge Shaving Gel
- 3 12 packs of drinks
- 4 packages of paper plates
- Claritin 30 count package
- Nature's Source Natural Bathroom Cleaner (there's nothing natural about my boy's bathroom)
Before coupons my total was $49.47. After coupons and RR it was $32.43 and I received $15 in RR for my next shopping trip. Grand total for it all was $17.43. Also not too shabby.
Okay, so I'm a nerd and love to get good deals and see where I can save the most. The John Frieda deals at CVS were great. They were on sale for $5 and if you spent $15 you got a $5 ECB. I also had $6 in coupons making all three items cost $4. Pretty good deal.
Well, it's almost 1 p.m. and I am still in my p.j's. Yes, a vision of loveliness beyond all words. I am heading for the shower before Little Miss awakens and continues to hold out for more applesauce. We all know that she is stronger than me as evidenced by the bottle fiasco.
Have a great day!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
You Know the ONE I'm Talking About
My daughter was the one today. You know the one that screams and cries for no apparent reason while you try to shop. She attempted to get out of the buggy and when I looked her in the eyes and told her no and sit down or else I will buckle you in snugly, she just laughed at me and made a noise as if to dare me. Well, she sat back down and I didn't have buckle her too snugly after that. But man, I hate it when everyone is looking at you like you are beating the kid or something. What, can they read my mind? I might be thinking about beating her but I would never do it, especially not in public! So I continued perusing the aisles of Target and picked up a few things including a new toilet brush because mine is disgusting and when you live in 3 story house with bathrooms on each floor, you really should own more than one toilet brush. Emma was enthralled with the toilet brush and the caddy that it was in. She played with it a for while and I know that people thought the child was deprived. Oh well, happy kid, happy mom.
Emma had an ENT follow up this morning and her tubes were clear. They wanted to do another hearing test, but realized that short of sedating her, it would be a worthless effort.
So, I'm off to attempt to study some more for ACLS which I am hopefully getting to take tomorrow. When the instructor called she told me she had an available spot tomorrow at 2 if I was interested then she told me that I would be taking it along with a Cardiologist but that I shouldn't be intimidated. Right. So say a prayer for me that I don't blow it. At least if I begin having anxiety that leads to chest pain, maybe he will come in handy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wednesday (Flashy title)
Clown feet! Okay, so this is the latest addition to her fashion statement. I bought this hat on clearance before Emma ever came home and we found it in the drawer while I was cleaning and she hasn't taken it off. Doesn't she remind you of Raulo on Sanford and Son?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter
Easter at my in-laws. It's almost impossible to get a good picture of my boys. They are so goofy. Emma was loving the egg hunt with Giggee.
She literally sleeps with this head band!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Living in a Haze
So the last 48 hours have been a haze for me. Drug induced haze. Cold medicine of all types have been in my system. I began feeling bad over the weekend, but then it got a little better and then Tuesday it started getting worse. By Tuesday night I was out of it. I cannot say for a fact that I have had the flu, but it certainly has felt like it. I am beginning to feel slightly better, but still have some fever and a horrible cough. Needless to say, I missed the ACLS class and will have to make that up.
Emma still refuses to drink from a cup and I have almost given in. It would be so much easier, but it's been a week now and I don't want to confuse her and let her have it back. I would never have guessed that she would hold out this long. This girl is something else!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Negotiations Continue
Want to know how long a toddler can go without drinking anything? Well, stay tuned to find out. It has been 5 days now and she has probably had approximately 6 ounces to drink and that is with us dripping it into her mouth from a straw. She has taken a few sips from her cup, but not many. She is the most stubborn child I have ever seen. Before I get any comments about giving her the bottle back, I have talked with the Doctor and he says to hold out. She will drink. She continues to pee, although not as much. I am certain this child is trying to kill me. She knows that I am worried about her and she wants to see how long I can hold out. I will not be beaten. She will not win this battle and the bottle will remain a thing of the past. Don't get me wrong, I have certainly considered giving it back to her!
She is starting to walk independently, especially on the carpet. She is still a bit wobbly and reminds me of Otis from The Andy Griffith Show, but she is doing so well. She just lights up when she takes off and then she likes to stop in the middle and do some type of dance and hold her arms back like a plane. It's hilarious to watch. This girl is so determined. (Determined to put me in an early grave, did I mention that:)
Taking some steps. She dug out this microphone from all of her toys Sunday night and started singing while the ACM awards were on.
So we had a very busy, but nice weekend. As I mentioned, my Aunt Sissy spent the weekend with us and that was very nice. We had Homecoming at church and enjoyed it so much. It was nice to see people that we had not seen in such a long time and that meant so much to our family.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Another Stand Off
It has been 34 hours since Emma has drunk anything. No, she isn't ill. No, we are not out of beverages at our house. We are giving up the bottle and she has decided that she can wait it out. Well, so have I and let me just say, it's harder for me than her. I spoke with Dr. H's office yesterday and he encouraged me to throw away the bottles so that I wouldn't be tempted to give them back to her. I didn't throw them away, but I did hide them so others in the house (dh) wouldn't be tempted:) He also encouraged me that she will drink if she is thirsty. I keep offering her the cup with milk and she will let me put it to her mouth and then turn her head away. She has taken a couple of sips over the last 24 hours, but will not attempt to drink from the cup with any real effort. She has eaten a lot of applesauce to help with the hydration issue. So, here we are. I hate it. I can't stand for her not to drink and in all reality I love giving her a bottle, but she is 2 and needs to drink from a cup. Her teeth are already showing signs of too much bottle and it will make life much easier if she can take a cup with her when we are out. But she is STUBBORN. So please say a prayer for her that she will begin to drink soon and that I will have the endurance to get over this little battle of the wills.
Losing our innocence. I've been thinking about that with her giving up her bottle. As she gets older and has to give up those little things that make her a kid. Remember those? I've been thinking about how simple life was when I was a kid. It was a different time and when I look at the things that are going on around us in our own back yard and what my boys have to face everyday, it just blows my mind and makes me so sad. A few weeks ago Brady accidentally took a pocket knife to school in his backpack and one of his friends saw it. Luckily no teacher saw it or Brady would have been kicked out of school. When he told me that afternoon that he had taken it to school he said he just forgot about it being in there and he had been in the woods "scouting" the day before and had taken his supplies in his backpack. Simple enough. We live in a rural area and our kids have a lot of woods to play in and I am thankful for that. But that got me to thinking about growing up in the 80's and going to high school and never thinking about the fact that most of the boys in school had a pocket knife with them. It was just a normal thing and you never worried about someone stabbing someone else. Those same boys had a hunting rifle or a shotgun in the cab of their trucks that they would use later on in the day during hunting season. Again, you never thought about someone shooting someone else at school. I think that innocence was completely lost 10 years ago at Columbine. I think it was probably lost before then, but that is the moment that really sticks out in my mind. What a sad world our world has become. Our kids are forced to grow up too soon in the environment that we live in. Our kids are surrounded by the Internet, t.v., movies, lack of parental involvement, etc. I know those same issues were there when I was a kid (minus Internet), but certainly not to the same extent. I miss the 80's.
I was talking with someone recently about being a stay at home mom and how thankful I was that I could be home with the kids. I have worked full time and know how hard it is for everyone. When the boys were little and they were at a sitter's house for 12-13 hours it killed me. Praise God that I can be home with them now and that was the point of the conversation. I really believe it's better to be home with them now when they are older than it was when they were babies. I am home every afternoon and I get to hear about what is going on at school. I get to pick them up everyday and although that can be a pain, I am glad to have the opportunity to hear them talk about what is going on in school and with the other kids. I am lucky that my boys share with me, especially Brady. I am also lucky to be very sneaky and able to con them into telling me things when they don't realize that I am doing so:)
Well, I didn't realize that my post was going to head in that direction, but it's been on my heart. Above all, it's so good to know that God is with us all the way. He will not leave us, even when we leave him. So when I am worrying about my daughter not drinking or my boys growing up in this crazy world, He is right beside me through it all.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Okay, I know it will be hard to draw your attention away from my cabinet, counter, and refrigerator, but I really wanted to get a picture of my boy and his black eye. He wouldn't agree to having a picture taken of his eye so when he fell for getting his picture taken with Emma, I took advantage of it. His left eye is black. FEAR NOT. He wasn't in any scrap at school or home, but was clowning around in his classroom with another boy and somehow was hit in the eye with a book. Of course, the teacher was out of the room at the time. Can you imagine kids misbehaving while the teacher is out of the room:) Emma was very excited to get to eat after her surgery yesterday. She looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks the way she is cramming those chips in her mouth.
Emma had a good night last night. I was afraid that her ears might bother her but evidently they did not. We are having to use drops 3 times a day for the next couple of days and let me just say, she isn't a fan!
Well, we have no big plans for the day. I am attempted to clean and study. It's amazing how many things I can find to do when I need to be studying. We start the Beth Moore study tonight and I am really looking forward to that.