Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No School, No School, No School

If there is one thing that I remember most about growing up it would be when we were out for bad weather. Those were the days of the Ralph Emery Show that came on early in the morning and the weather men only had a board to right on with chalk and markers. When it was a snow day, Snow Bird would fly and my dad would always come to my room saying "No School, No School, No School" just like a bird. Isn't it weird how some things just stick with you? I loved those days.

Well, the rain turned to ice and the ice caused the schools to close this morning. My boys were devastated don't you know. We have spent the day working around the house. Well, Ashton cleaned their toilet after I gave him a brief tutorial on how to correctly master that job. I made chocolate chip cookies and put little sister down for nap. The boys and I played Monopoly until I got tired of refereeing and decided to call it quits.

The other big event of the day. I finally started wearing my bifocal contacts. They have been sitting in the bathroom drawer for 2 months now and I decided today was the day. I had some difficulty with them at first, but I think I may end up liking them. Now I don't have to hold the small print so far away! It's hard to admit when you are getting old, but I am certainly headed down that slippery slope.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Bifocal contacts?!? I didn't know such a thing existed! I wonder if I could find bifocals that would also correct my astigmatism? Sounds intriguing. I've been wearing progressive lens for a couple of years now, and I love them! It took me nearly six months to get used to them, but I don't even notice them at all anymore.