Thursday, March 6, 2008

Moma Said There Would Be Days Like This

No matter how well your day might begin, a sharp decline happens when you get a phone call from the teacher. Of course, when the call was placed yesterday and you are just now getting the message via voice mail and you haven't even left the house yet, you know your day may be headed downhill. And they say labor is hard! Labor was the easy part, raising these little darlings is the part I'm trying to figure out. Needless to say, when Brady returned home from school today and his room had been "robbed" of his TV, stereo, IPOD, and gameboy, I think he realized that mom was a little ticked. I will give him kudos for being very mature and discussing it with me like a man. Of course, he didn't get anything back, nor will he until his grades improve, but he did handle himself in a very mature manner.

I had started reading a Beth Moore devotion this morning and as I was reading it later in the day, she had written about living your life in a whirlwind or a earthquake, wherever you might find yourself, and while you are there, what do you do. When the ground is moving and shaking all around you and everything is caving in, how do you handle it? And then she wrote from Psalms 46 - Be still, and know that I am God. Isn't being still the hardest thing in the world to do? We are all in such a rush with life just whirling about us. But while reading that, I just thought how great it is to know that in my rush, God is watching over me and wants me to know him more personally. When I'm worried about my boys and life in general, he is there for me and I just have to take some time to be still and know he's in control. Why do I have such a hard time with that? Just another area in my spiritual life that requires a lot of work and attention.

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