Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today has been a rather productive day. I have managed to do laundry, clean the man cave (bathroom too:(, start dinner in my new crock pot, change sheets, play with Miss Emma, hold Miss Emma, give Miss Emma a bath, feed Miss Emma, comfort Miss Emma, scold Miss Emma.... I'm seeing a trend! Jennifer (the EI teacher) came this morning and Emma was very clingy to me. That's always good when it involves a stranger and she has only seen her once before. However, she is becoming more clingy in other areas as well. She had a absolute, Southern fried fit last night when I put her in her chair for dinner. She was determined to sit in my lap and I was determined that she wouldn't. I didn't win this one. She was so upset I was afraid that she was about to throw up. Immediately upon sitting her in my lap, it was over. All smiles. Little angel.

She finally warmed up to Jennifer and played with her. She was very engaging and loved pretending to feed herself from your dishes. She even gave her doll a few bites before quickly sending her flying to the floor. I guess she wanted too much.

Brady starts Jazz band this afternoon and is really excited about that. I finally got to the bottom of his 1st semester grades. He wasn't exactly truthful about them. I would describe it as "beating around the bush" in hopes that he would get to go to a concert with his friend at the end of the month. Suffice it to say, he isn't going. I also broke it to him that he too had a new cell phone and that I was very eager to give it to him but that the deal was he would have to earn it. He hasn't kept up with his end of the bargain so the cell phone sits, waiting on some good grades to get it out of the box. Am I a mean mom or what? However, I guess that I'm not that mean. He and Ashton went to the Middle School basketball game last night and after they got home and I was upstairs about to go to bed, Brady knocks on the door and needs me to do something for him. While I was putting nail polish on his new bassoon reed, he tells me (out of the blue), "I'm really glad that you are my mom". I asked him why and he said "Well, I saw some kids tonight that I think didn't have very good parents because of how they were acting and I just think that I am really glad you are my mom." Pretty sweet or perhaps, pretty sly. You be the judge.

1 comment:

Lindsey Carney said...

Sounds pretty sweet to me :)