Emma pointed to her mouth this morning and said mouth. I heard it as well as Miss Jennifer, her EI teacher. I was very proud of her. She has also been saying what sounds like "giggee" this weekend. That should make her wayward grandmother very happy:) (We miss you Gig). Emma was up at 5 a.m. this morning and started the day off early. This girl is full of herself.
The boys headed back to school today and Brady couldn't wait. I'm sure that is related to the social aspect versus the academic aspect. Ashton was hoping for snow. We had a pretty uneventful weekend. I played laundry catch up all day yesterday, but I did manage to squeeze in some Rock Band time with the boys. I must say I am good on those drums and when I sing Livin on a Prayer I sound so much like Bon Jovi that is scares me. It probably scares everyone that is listening as well. Emma helped me on the drums for our final round and loved it. This girl is all about music and loves the drums.
I, like so many others, watched the Inauguration this morning with great pride. I didn't vote for President O'Bama and am proud to call myself a conservative, however, it makes me proud to live in a nation that is free and the changing of the administration appeared to go so well. Don't get me wrong, to borrow a line from my good friend Brian, I'm not drinking the kool aid that's being poured just yet, but I do wish our new leader well. All that being said, Brady wore is "Proud to be a Republican" button to school today. My young apprentice makes me proud. I think he and I have a new appreciation for the history surrounding today after our trip to D.C. last summer. I loved the city and history of it all and hope to get to travel back soon.
That about wraps up all the McGowan news. Hope that everyone has a great week ahead.
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