Emma loves to get underneath the bar stools in our kitchen and hide. She also loves to push them across the floor. She is very entertaining!
I had a great day yesterday. The boys went back to school, PTL. I met my friends from work for lunch to celebrate a birthday and we enjoyed our time out so much. Cute little Mason went along and rode in the back seat with Emma. She loved having him back there and loves to watch him. It was discovered that she also likes sweet potato fries as she kept cramming them in her mouth. She is in a bad habit of only wanting to sit in my lap to eat, but luckily she decided to sit in Dede's lap yesterday and I was very appreciative. She is getting so heavy and my right arm is killing me. I know, I know, I should never have allowed that little habit to start, but I did and I am the one paying for it! When you look up to your 2 boys who just yesterday were looking up to you, you realize how quickly it all passes, so if she wants to sit in my lap, I guess I will let her. If I want to complain about my arm hurting and the fact that I never get to complete a real meal, then just call me a whiner and let me do it:)
We are celebrating Brady and Emma's birthday this weekend with Bo's parents. I am anxious to see Emma dig into her cake. I can't believe that she will be 2 in a couple of weeks and that Brady will be 15 on the Feb. 19. How can that be? Bo is getting old.
I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend! Who's going to win the Super Bowl? Since the Titans are not in it, I really don't care too much and I will be working that night anyway. I hate to miss the game, but I love to have the paycheck!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day Number 2, What More Can I Say
The native (aka mom) is getting restless and so are the children. They really need to go back to school tomorrow or I may lose my mind. It rained all night and then it turned to snow this morning. However, not enough snow to really enjoy but enough to close the schools. The boys are getting a little bored and driving me crazy. All they want to do is pick on each other and eat. I really hope that it either snows a lot more or it's gone by the morning so these kids can get out of the house.
I have begun the daunting task of attempting to scrapbook our trip to China. There is so much that it's hard to know where to begin. I have not made it into the wonderful world of digital scrap booking yet so I decided to at least try to get Emma's pictures and information in some type of order. Looking back on all the pictures brings back so many memories. When I look at the pictures from gotcha day and revisit all the emotions that went along with that day it's almost overwhelming. She was so tiny and now she is a little chunk. She was so blank and now she is so full of life. It hard to believe what has happened in the last 5 months. I hope that I never forget just how I felt that day no matter how hard it was.
For all you who prayed for Christian yesterday, thank you. We had a response from him last night that within minutes of his parents requesting prayer that he got relief. Please lift him up as often as you can remember. He has such a long way to go and he and his family need all the support they can get. Isn't it wonderful to know that prayer works and that God is still on His throne answering his people.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
No School Tuesday and Pics
Bo and Emma at the CNY celebration.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Chinese New Year
We attended a Chinese New Year celebration this weekend with families from the FCC. It was wonderful and we enjoyed it so much. Emma was surrounded by lots of little girls and a few boys who looked like her. They were all beautiful. Chinese New Year is from January 26-February 9 and it is the year of the Ox. Emma was born in the year of the Pig. Emma and Emi enjoying some goldfish crackers before the real food starts. I was so excited to finally meet this family who live near by and I had talked with on the phone. Emi has specially made hands and feet like Emma, so it's nice to have someone that understands all that goes along with that. They were the nicest people. Emi, like Emma, also has 2 older brothers to keep her out of mischief:) Emi is a dancer and didn't hesitate to show us some of her moves! This girl can dance.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Isn't she just the cutest thing ever!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
High Speed, Take 3
What's that pop song "Never gonna get it, Never gonna get it..." I am living that. Charter guy shows up today and it is decided that there will have to be a cable run, a hole drilled, a wire here, a wire there, do you want us to do this today or that today or what? Next plan, people come and spray paint the yard, people come to dig and bury cable, people come to actually install high speed stuff. Who knew that high speed would be such a pain. So the next day that belongs to high speed is February 5. This is only slightly becoming a pain in my......side.
Emma is currently entertaining herself with a box from Walgreen's that pictures came in. Who knew? She is fascinated that she can stick her hands all the way through the box and come out on the other side. She is also putting her goldfish crackers in the box and letting them come out the other side, all the while with one shoe on and one shoe off. Very busy girl.
I AM SO EXCITED. I am using my Christmas money stash that I have saved to have a facial tonight with my favorite facial guru, Jenny. She is the best and I am so excited. I am also getting a brow and lip wax, so Bo should be excited too. What a treat! I have found that since having Emma I don't pay a lot of attention to my upkeep. I just don't have time and I have been feeling very unkept lately. I would literally stay in sweats or yoga pants all day and never put on makeup. I really need to work on that, but let's face it, who has the energy! Jenny will have her hands full tonight!
I can't believe the weekend is fast approaching. Bo continues to be off on Fridays and we don't know for how long. Bo and the kids are going to the circus on Friday night with a group from church. I have to work, but I would love to see Emma's expressions as she sees all the different acts. On Saturday night we are attending a Chinese New Year celebration with the FCC and I am really looking forward to that. We will get a chance to meet other adoptive families and I am really excited!
Well, the box has lost its charm and Emma is getting really cranky. Gotta run!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Super Fly Girl and Proud to be an American
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Watching TV
Okay, so I got my pictures out of order. This is the after picture. That ain't no happy child. This is the before picture. She absolutely was enjoying watching Baby Einstein, minding her on business and then I heard the thud and a delayed cry. I walked in and saw her looking so pitiful and being the wonderful mom that I am I immediately yelled for Bo to bring the camera. No harm done, she is okay.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
High Speed Conspiracy
Okay, so I am beginning to think that I will never get high speed Internet. I have been disappointed again by my soon to be ISP. The plan was they would be here today from 8-12 p.m. Emma and I have hung around all day and then they called and said the tech is running behind on his job and it will be at least 12:30 p.m. Well, excuse me that I have other plans and cannot hang around all afternoon like I have all morning. I explained to the person calling and to the CSR at Charter that this is the second time that we have been inconvenienced and I am a bit unhappy with the relationship that we have started. Of course I was given the standard "we are sorry" and so now I have to wait another week for them to come. Customer service is certainly a thing of the past and it drives me crazy. If they don't show next week then I will just continue with my regular old slow dial up. Needless to say I have not been a very happy customer this morning.
My afternoon will be spent at the orthodontist office and I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing...... If my son's oral hygiene demands that I be called back to speak with the orthodontist and told that he is not brushing properly (as it did the last visit) I may come home without him. Or at least he will be beaten within an inch of his life! We have had braces since third grade and I will be so glad when it's over. I count down each month how many more payments on those blasted braces and let's just say that in August, I will be shouting and praising God when they are paid for!
Emma has been very busy this morning. We have played Lego's, xylophone, dishes, dolls, and whatever else she has wanted to play. She is so funny about wanting to eat bananas and after having a couple of days of constipation (her, not me) I have decided that 5 bananas in 2 days is far too many. I have had to cut her off and she just looks at the basket and makes her pitiful Horseshack sound. I think she could eat 5 in one day if I would let her.
Well, that sums up my exciting day so far in the frigid south. 11 degrees this morning and forecast to be 3 in the morning. Now if we could just get some snow so my kids could enjoy it.
I will be enjoying the evening to come with Melissa and Angel. We all have Gym bucks to spend and are heading to Gymboree tonight and have cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory afterwards. I am really looking forward to our little girls night out
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Today has been a rather productive day. I have managed to do laundry, clean the man cave (bathroom too:(, start dinner in my new crock pot, change sheets, play with Miss Emma, hold Miss Emma, give Miss Emma a bath, feed Miss Emma, comfort Miss Emma, scold Miss Emma.... I'm seeing a trend! Jennifer (the EI teacher) came this morning and Emma was very clingy to me. That's always good when it involves a stranger and she has only seen her once before. However, she is becoming more clingy in other areas as well. She had a absolute, Southern fried fit last night when I put her in her chair for dinner. She was determined to sit in my lap and I was determined that she wouldn't. I didn't win this one. She was so upset I was afraid that she was about to throw up. Immediately upon sitting her in my lap, it was over. All smiles. Little angel.
She finally warmed up to Jennifer and played with her. She was very engaging and loved pretending to feed herself from your dishes. She even gave her doll a few bites before quickly sending her flying to the floor. I guess she wanted too much.
Brady starts Jazz band this afternoon and is really excited about that. I finally got to the bottom of his 1st semester grades. He wasn't exactly truthful about them. I would describe it as "beating around the bush" in hopes that he would get to go to a concert with his friend at the end of the month. Suffice it to say, he isn't going. I also broke it to him that he too had a new cell phone and that I was very eager to give it to him but that the deal was he would have to earn it. He hasn't kept up with his end of the bargain so the cell phone sits, waiting on some good grades to get it out of the box. Am I a mean mom or what? However, I guess that I'm not that mean. He and Ashton went to the Middle School basketball game last night and after they got home and I was upstairs about to go to bed, Brady knocks on the door and needs me to do something for him. While I was putting nail polish on his new bassoon reed, he tells me (out of the blue), "I'm really glad that you are my mom". I asked him why and he said "Well, I saw some kids tonight that I think didn't have very good parents because of how they were acting and I just think that I am really glad you are my mom." Pretty sweet or perhaps, pretty sly. You be the judge.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe
Do these girls look like they are having fun or what?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Disappointing Saturday
After all of the excitement of thinking we were about to have fast Internet, I was very let down after I woke up yesterday. Charter didn't show up and when Bo called they said they were not scheduled to be here until Thursday. Well Thursday is when they are supposed to take care of the phone service change and yesterday was supposed to be the Internet. I was very disappointed, but what do you do! So now Thursday is the new plan. They had better show!
To top off the day of disappointment, the Titans lost to the Ravens and there went all hopes of the Super Bowl. That game was riddled with mistakes! Oh well, there is always next year!
Emma has become a moocher. She wants everything that is on your plate. She just opens up her mouth like a bird and waits for you to give her something. She has already eaten 2 scrambled eggs this morning and is currently mooching biscuits off anyone who will fall for her charm. This girl has become a little piglet! She is certainly feeling better, but still has a runny nose and her chest is still congested. No church for her today. I think Bo will stay home with her today and I will take the boys to church.
Emma received a nice surprise on Thursday and I am just now getting it posted. She got a gift from a sweet lady that I worked with years ago (I mean over 20 years ago)! I have just kept in touch with her by Christmas cards each year and this year she sent me her phone number and I called her and we got caught up. It was so nice and I enjoyed talking to her so much. Imagine the surprise when she sent Emma a gift (an adorable outfit). It was just one of those moments when you can't believe how thoughtful people can be!
I hope everyone has a good Sunday!
Friday, January 9, 2009
It's Friday Again?
Emma decided that she really liked eating corn on the cob.
Another early morning with this girl of ours! She was up at 5 a.m. this morning and is going strong. She had her version of the Old Timers breakfast and has since eaten a banana and some goldfish crackers. She loves bananas. I keep them in a wire basket next to the counter and she crawls over to it and points to them. Her face just lights up when I get one for her.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So she just props her feet up on the princess chair and does her thing. The girl is learning the art of taking it easy.
Emma still has a cough and a disgusting nose, but continues to have no fever. The doctor said it would take 2 weeks and I believe he is right. I am coughing my head off too and no longer have a fever so that makes me feel better. So far the rest of the family remains healthy and I hope it stays that way.
Bo went back to work yesterday, so we are starting to attempt to get back on a routine. It's amazing that a couple of weeks can just throw everything off.
Emma has slept better the last couple of nights, but was up at 5:30 this morning. 2 eggs, toast and a cinnamon roll and she was ready to go. Her appetite is back in full force.
No real earth shattering news to offer, so I am going to attempt to find a good recipe for ground beef for dinner tonight and catch up on some reading while little one is taking a much needed nap. It won't last long!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Praise The Lord and Pass the Kleenex
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Day of Fasting for Christian
Today, I, along with many members of my church, are having a day of prayer and fasting for Christian. You may recall he is the 16 year old young man in our church who was diagnosed with Leukemia in October. He is one of the finest young men you will ever meet and he has proven it through this difficult time in his life. He is facing surgery today for kidney stones and will also be having a bone marrow biopsy that will determine if he can have a bone marrow transplant in a couple of weeks. Please pray for him and his family today. I will not be on the computer anymore today.
We covet your prayers for Christian and his family. They are wonderful people.
Friday, January 2, 2009
It's Tea Time
Little Miss Cranky pants is still cranky but she did take some time out of her crankiness to play with her dishes yesterday. She was so cute pouring tea in her cup and looking in the tea pot and "drinking" her tea. She was just having so much fun and suddenly her alter ego erupted and she threw her cup across the room and slammed her tea pot down and started to pout and cry. I have no idea what caused this little moment, but my mother was here to witness it and was very surprised to see the sweet, perfect angel throw such a fit. I have seen several of those lately and I believe it has to do with her age. She may get frustrated at times because she has a hard time doing certain things, but I really think it has to do with the terrible twos fast approaching.
She was really not feeling well yesterday morning and after some extra sleep laying on mommas chest, she finally began to eat a little. She really hasn't eaten much at all in the last few days and I'm sure that has made her feel bad as well. She has developed a cough, but no fever. I am still just watching her and hoping that it is just a cold since she is on medicine already. I keep telling myself all the same things we tell patients, but admittedly, it's hard!
Our new year has started off slowly. The boys have had friends over for the last several nights and Bo has been busy working on different projects. I have not accomplished anything to speak of and probably won't until everyone goes back to school and work. I work tonight and am hoping for a good night. So that is about it for our house. Hope that yours is equally uneventful! I'm not sure what she is looking for in her tea pot.