Friday, February 6, 2009

I Really Need to get This Off My Chest

I am very much a current events person. I love knowing what is going on in the world and unless you have been living under a rock somewhere the Californian woman and her octuplets is big news. I suspect it may even get bigger as time goes on.

When I first heard the story and there was no talk of the 6 children that she already had, I was happy for her and I assumed her mate. When the news came out that she was single, unemployed, living with her parents, and had 6 children already, I have to admit my tone changed. Perhaps it should not have, but I have to admit it did. I am not even sure how to express my feelings about this without sounding cold hearted, but I think she was incredibly selfish and irresponsible. First of all, I realize that it really doesn't matter what I think, but I had to express it because it has really been bugging me. Even more irresponsible in my opinion is the doctor that implanted her embryos. I think that person should be brought before the California board and made to explain him/herself. I can't believe he would put a patient at such risk and I can't believe that he would implant a woman who has no job, no husband, no home and I'm betting, no insurance that isn't provided by the state. Does California Medicaid pay for fertility treatments? I know that is being judgemental of me, but I am a nurse and I see a lot of folks in our great state that have state provided insurance and are certainly capable of being employed and having insurance. That is a major flaw in our system. When a 20 year old, perfectly healthy, 2 pack a day smoker, carrying a cell phone, comes in to an ED and needs to be seen for something trivial and proceeds to tell you they don't have a job and you can bet aren't looking for one, it causes one to be a bit jaded and incredibly frustrated with the system. When they proceed to tell you that can't pay for their kid's Motrin, can you please give me some or get the doctor to write a prescription for it, that is even more frustrating. Of course, they are telling you their sob story while they are talking on their cell phone. So if a 30 year old woman (33 I think) is able to have fertility treatments when she already has 6 kids, that is equally frustrating. I saw her interview on the Today show this morning and she said she always wanted a big family because she was an only child and came from a dysfunctional family. HELLO, exactly how does she plan on functioning with 14 kids. She did state that she plans on going back to college in the fall to get her Masters Degree in counseling so she can provide for her family. I'm sorry, but just how realistic is that? I applaud her if that happens, but somewhere in my jaded, judgemental mind, I don't see it happening and she would have to counsel a whole lot of folks to provide for 14 kids. And what about the irresponsible sap that was the sperm donor. She did state that he was the father of all of her kids and she hoped that he would get involved at some point. Good luck with that one.

Okay, enough of my rant, but I am just appalled that a doctor would implant a woman with 6 embryos (she stated 6 and that 2 of the octuplets are twins) when the woman couldn't possibly be equipped to handle them. When she was asked about how she would care for them, she stated that she planned on "being present" for them, holding them, and loving them. That's all great, but coming from a mom that has a toddler that is in constant motion, I'm not sure how she plans to be super mom, but good luck with that. And what about the cost of the medical care for these children......clothes, diapers, formula, wipes, food, child care, school supplies, prom dresses, car insurance, weddings - see, I am thinking ahead. I don't think this woman was thinking at all.

Sorry if I have offended anyone, but everyone is entitled to their opinions and I had to get this one off my chest. My mother, who may be a saint (and I really mean that), said we need to pray for this woman. I agree, but at some point it's hard to pray for people when you think they may be the dumbest person on earth. I know, that's when we should pray for them the most and I am going to try to do so.

Okay, after allowing me to vent, I wish everyone a good weekend. It's supposed to be in the 60's around here, so hopefully we can get outside.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what I and possibly others think of this situation. How disfunctional can a home? be for children's needs and medical attention. She has mental problems. Yes, the medical situation needs looking into. But, have you listened or looked at California on a whole? No wonder this happened. I, too, got on my soap box as you have. Prayers for California!

Melissa said...

I feel the same way - and I can't figure out how she even managed to pay for IVF with no job and six kids!

Anonymous said...

Amen Mayme!! How crazy is that whole situation?? you took the words right out of my mouth!!

Anonymous said...