No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Emma is drinking from a cup. She has learned to make the sign for drink and yesterday was the first day that she actually drank from it with any consistency. She didn't drink a lot but a little is good at this point.I am constantly reminding Ashton to please put up his disgusting shoes. This is one of the reasons why.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Just a Few Pics
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Just a Few Things that Really Bug Me
It's that time of year again. If you are a property owner the deadline is looming for your property taxes to be paid. I'm not sure why we always wait to the last minute, but my parents always did and so do we. I have to pay them tomorrow or Saturday or suffer the wrath. I hate paying property taxes. Well, I hate paying taxes in general and I understand the concept behind it all. It just seems blatantly unfair that if you OWN your home and land that you have to pay the county for essentially OWNING it. That rubs me oh so the wrong way. Now that I have vented I will write the big honking check and give it to my county officials to use as they deem necessary. Well we all know how beneficial our tax dollars are. There has never been a better illustration of that than right now in Washington.
I gladly call myself a conservative. I am also a fiscal conservative and to hear the things that are in the STIMULUS PACKAGE just kills me. One of the things proposed in the package that doesn't have earmarks (wink, wink, nod, nod) is a train line from Disneyland to Las Vegas. Now let me assure you that the McGowan house loves Mickey and Minnie but I don't think our tax dollars should have to include a train from sin city to visit. Oh the waste. I keep thinking that there should be a great march on Washington by moms and dads that try to live on a budget and provide for their families the old fashioned way. Of course we would never actually get the chance to meet with those incredibly busy officials. They couldn't possibly find the time to meet with people who have common sense. They are to busy spending our tax dollars. They couldn't possibly pull themselves away from that burden that they bear so well.
Okay, enough of my venting. I'm close to revolting and I had better stop now before my blog gets flagged by some government agency!
Have a good day.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Guess What I've Been Eating
Monday, February 23, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up
No exciting, earth shattering news from our house. I suppose that is a good thing.
The weekend was the standard busy weekend for us. They boys had a friend over Friday night, I worked and was thrilled to come home Saturday morning and have no real plans. I slept for a few hours and then Bo and I stayed home that evening while the boys went skating with their friend and his family. Emma was so funny that night. She was very busy cooking with her dishes and reading and walking back and forth between me and Bo. She even watched The Outlaw Josey Wales with us. Now that is love. I'm talking about on my part, not hers. I actually laid on the love seat and watched a 1976 Western with my husband. I'm telling you, nothing says love like a Clint Eastwood movie on a Saturday night.
Yesterday we went to church and then I worked a middle shift. The guys visited with Bo's parents yesterday evening and that pretty much sums of the weekend. I know that you are on the edge of your seat with excitement.
Emma, mother and I took clothes to drop off for the consignment sale this morning. I didn't have that much, but the things I had were so nice. It killed me to sell some of the things that I had bought for Emma before we had her. I loved those little outfits and envisioned her wearing them. Oh well, she is just too big.
She was so cute when she woke up this morning. She hadn't seen me since yesterday morning since she was in bed when I came home last night. She had the sweetest little look on her face this morning when she woke up and saw me. Her hair was a mess and she was just looking at me like she was wondering where I had been. I love those moments. She has been so good today. Very playful and babbling. Bo and I were looking at her Gotcha Day video last night and it just amazes me to think how far she has come. So have we. That day wasn't exactly like I had dreamed about, but a day that I will never forget.
Friday, February 20, 2009
What Has 4 Wheels and Scares a Mom To Death?
Brady came home from school today and was surprised to go for a ride in his new truck. Bo told him he needed him to go do something and they left with Bo driving. During the ride Brady was surprised to find out that he was the new owner of the truck. Happy Birthday from Giggee and Pop.
Don't let that sweet little smile fool you, she hates for ME to brush her teeth. She likes to do it herself, but when the rubber meets the road or the brush actually meets the teeth, she falls apart.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Baby Boy is 15 - Oh My
I caught Emma attempting to eat her plastic corn today. She was so cute and making little "um, um" noises.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wednesday - I Feel Like Whining
Okay, so I hate whining. I have a sign in my kitchen that says No Whining (no one ever reads it). But today is just one of those days when I feel like whining. Sorry.
This adorable little girl of mine is absolutely the sweetest thing in the world. Evidently she thinks that I am too and I can't get out of her sight. If I walk away from her for 1 second while she is in the tub (I'm right outside the door - don't panic), she screams. If I sit in the bathroom with her but attempt to put on makeup or dry my hair, then I am not giving her the attention that she is due. She screams. Today she really let out a blood curdling "I'm really mad at you" scream.
While I attempted to vacuum my hard wood floor, which is very dirty and she crawls on constantly, she was determined that I would hold her. I put her in her walker for 5 minutes and you would think that the world was coming to an end.
I made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and she proceeds to shove it away and turn her head. The child is part owl because she can see around the other side to see if she has gotten my attention. She hadn't. I ate the sandwich. She hates the sippy cup. She isn't interested at all and you would think that I am attempting to poison her when I make her take a drink. I think she is not only part owl but part camel because she can hold out for a very long time and not take a drink. Could this be the battle of the wills? Do I have the stamina to win? Will a 2 year old little girl be my demise. Stay tuned.
And when Bo gets home you would think that she would want to spend some quality time with her wonderful father. Think again. Only mom can hold her and play with her and feed her and love her. Poor daddy. Poor momma.
Okay, so enough whining. I feel bad about whining when I consider all the of the big things that are going on in the world and in the small world around me. I shouldn't complain, but every now and then I have to complain just a little.
I have to praise my sweet husband who gave me a not so sweet Valentine Card (I did the same) and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. They were on the table when I got home from work Saturday morning. He had put them in a lovely cookie jar because heavens knows I have no idea where a vase is in this house.
Quick funny Emma story. She was playing so sweetly last night. She had her head in a bag. Don't panic, it was a large paper bag from American Eagle. She was just so happy. Wham. It had to happen. She fell over backwards and hit her head on that dirty hardwood floor that I mentioned. As Dr. H told me last week, expect sutures and glue with this little one. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen the week of our home study! The sweet thing is that only Brady can make her stop crying. He does some little finger dance on my shoulder and she just shuts up and looks at him like he is the king of the world.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Shopping from The House of McGowan
Okay, Little Miss Emma is getting too big for her clothes that I had hoped she could wear this spring. Too many goldfish crackers! I hope that someone else needs/wants them.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Weekend Wrap Up
Attempting to get pictures of all these guys smiling and looking adorable at the same time was liking trying to catch a pig. They were all over the place but continued to look adorable! Rory is giving Emma a little birthday hug! Ella is wondering what in the world these 2 girls are up to.
Okay, I will be brief because Emma is in the bathtub and can't understand why I'm not in the floor giving her my undevided attention. We survived the birthday party and had such a great time. It was so fun to see all of these kids together. Girls are a different breed!