Saturday, August 1, 2009

Haircut Pics

Emma had her first haircut on Tuesday and you really can't tell much from the pictures that Bo took. Of course, it was like trying to photograph a wild cat, she was moving a lot. She did great however and her hair looks so much fuller in the back. It really has changed her appearance a lot. She looks more like a little girl and not a baby. She loved Mrs. Tisha and she got a candy bracelet that she wasn't too sure about. She managed to break it while we were at Aldi and screamed because I wouldn't let her eat the pieces off of the floor. What a rotten mom I am.

She moved around a lot while Tisha was working on her but she never cried.

This picture was taken before the haircut. Not the best photo, but look at those mischievous little eyes.

We have had Emma 11 months today. WOW! It's hard to believe that it's been that long. What an amazing 11 months. She has come so far and is making such progress. Her new favorite thing this week is to bump elbows with you. I'm not sure where that came from but she will just randomly come up and want to touch elbows together and just smile.
She has really missed Brady this week. She was pretty excited when she saw Daddy's car leaving to go get Brady yesterday. She was eating a banana and saw the car drive out of the driveway and looked at me. I told her that Daddy was going to get Bubba and she opened her mouth so wide (with banana still in place) and her eyes got so big and she said "Bubba" and hopped down to go look outside. It was adorable. She really loves her 2 Bubbas.
Brady enjoyed band camp and managed to come home with a ton of disgusting laundry. I think they marched in the rain everyday so you can imagine how wonderful his clothes smelled.
Another busy week ahead after we survive the weekend. They boys have doctor's appointments, I have a staff meeting, Ashton is having his belated birthday party, Emma has all of her appointments, golf practice, band practice, parent night at school. I'm already tired just thinking about it. No wonder I have such a hard time living in the moment.
I'm pretty proud of my 3 guys. They spent the morning mowing the yard of a friend of Bo's who is down on his luck right now. I hope that my boys learned something from that experience about helping others. They are just like most teenagers, everything revolves around them. I'm anxious to hear their take on the situation and I can assure you, they will be quick to give it.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Wow, 11 months, congratulations! It seems like she has been a part of your familiy for years. The new haircut is just adorable!