Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Testosterone, Sugar, and Caffeine...Need I Say More

5 a.m. "Mom, can we go swimming now? There's enough light out, we won't get hurt." Forget the alarm, that's what I awoke to.

Ashton and 5 of his friends have been up ALL night. They are jacked up on Mountain Dew, ice cream, brownies, and pizza. Throw in some powdered doughnuts and it's like pouring gas on a fire. At least 3 of them have some sort of practice this afternoon and I refuse to be held responsible for the extra laps they may have to run:)

Wouldn't you love to have enough energy or stupidity to want to be playing basketball at 5 a.m.? Oh for those days.....

So say a prayer for me and Emma. I don't know if we will survive a day with 6 teenagers high on sugar and caffeine.

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