Before. This was taken in China just a few days after we got her.
It is already turning out to be another busy week. I have decided that I am trying to accomplish too much at once. I get busy with so many things that it seems like nothing gets done. I am STILL trying to get all of the stuff moved downstairs to the boys new rooms. I have a huge Good Will stack and several nice clothes items that I am wondering if anyone would be interested in. If you have a boy that is size 16 I have several pairs of jeans and some very nice shirts, some with tags still on them, that I would love to sell. Just leave me a comment with your e-mail address and I will gladly send you some pictures or I can post them here if that would be easier for anyone. I have at least 4 pairs of jeans and 8 shirts.
I am trying to schedule all of the end of the year doctor's appointments and get all of that out of the way. It's time to decide on our insurance plan with Bo's work and what a pain. I hate those decisions. They are now offering a Health Savings Plan versus the Health Reimbursement Plan and I hate dealing with those things! I have a stack of paperwork to complete and I would rather be swimming with piranhas that dealing with it.
Emma is doing so well. She is still clingy at times and doesn't sit for very long and entertain herself. She wants to be where the action is all the time. She helped me vacuum this morning and was crawling so fast that I was really having to watch her. She stayed with my mother and stepfather yesterday while I had an apt. in town and I don't know who enjoyed it more. When I got home she was sitting at the table eating like a pig. This girl is really enjoying her meals.
I must run and try to accomplish some things while she is down for a nap. Pretty sad that it is afternoon and I have not had a shower yet. Ick.
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