Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday. I had hoped that my gift from Emma would be a full night's sleep. Alas, she did not give me the present that I had dreamed of. She was up 3 times and finally decided that 6 a.m. was rise and shine time. She is happily watching Beauty and the Beast, eating cereal and being a little delight. She did manage to give me the new Harry Connick CD. What a smart girl to know that I wanted that:) I would have preferred the full night's sleep, but I guess I will take what I can get.


Naomi said...

Happy Birthday Mayme!!!! You and I share the best month to have a birthday!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day and week.... I always think that Birthdays should last all week long!!!

Beth T. said...

just thought of you today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY COOL MAMA! Love you!

Edgar and Barbara said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Mayme!! Hope you had a wonderful day, even though you were up at 6am with Emma. ; )

Maria said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I know how old you are (because I'm only a couple of months behind you). If you had TOLD me, I would have prayed for a full night's sleep for you. I'll go ahead and tell you, my birthday is Christmas Day -- I'd love to have a full night's sleep on Christmas Eve, ok? :) I hope you had a great day!! Oh, and in honor of your birthday, Ellie and I got up at 6:30 so we could celebrate with you "in spirit". :-)

T2Nashville said...

Hope you had a great birthday, despite no sleep! Miss you!

Brenda Lewis said...

Another belated "Happy Birthday", Mayme!! If it makes you feel better, I used to ask the boys for a day with no fighting on Mother's Day, but I don't remember ever getting it. Ha!

Hope you have a nice "restful" time at Gulf Shores.


Melissa said...

Hope you had a happy birthday!