Another BUSY week of appointments and practices and therapies and life. The weekend looks to be busy as well but that seems to be the norm for everyone these days.
I have to give a shout out to my sweet husband. Today is our 22nd anniversary. I can't believe we have been married that long! This morning at 3 a.m. when I was up with Emma and she had a dirty diaper and he came in to bring her a drink while I was changing her he said "Happy Anniversary, not exacltly how I planned it." Who knew 22 years ago where we would be today! Life is a funny thing.
I'm very excited that our beach pictures are finally on line. Some of them are really good. Some of them make my face look huge. Ashton was flashing those high dollar teeth in some of them and it was obviously a fake smile. Brady's were absolutely great. Now I have decide which ones to order and that is going to be a hard choice.
Well, I'm off to attempt a nap before I head out to work tonight. Little Miss is busy watching The Wiggles (what else) and I'm hoping she can tear herself away pretty soon. Have a great weekend and a fun and safe Halloween.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday Already....I'm Seeing a Trend
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday Again.....
Aside from the weekend being very busy, it was a good one. I worked on Friday night as usual and it wasn't a really bad night but it wasn't anything special either. I came home and stayed awake until after noon to watch Emma while Bo took Ashton for a couple of appointments and Brady went to a band competition. By the time Bo got home I was more than exhausted and took a short nap only to get up and watch the UT game and be even more broken hearted after it was over. For all of my Alabama friends, and you know who you are, congratulations. There is always next year:)
Yesterday we went to Owen Farm for the afternoon and had so much fun. Emma loved it. She was fascinated by the animals and really loved riding on the barrel train. I have to say that as a 42 year old mother I managed to hang in there with her. However, I did have my moments. See below.
There was a huge slide that kept calling my name. The good thing about having a little one is that it gives you an excuse to "play". So I held on tight to Emma and down the huge slide we went. Bo told me he would catch me at the end because you are going so fast that you can't stop. He meant he would catch it on film! Needless to say he didn't catch me and I thought I had broken my ankle when I got up. Brady's friend Alex broke his leg on the aforementioned slide and he is only slightly younger than me (by 30 years). Emma seemed to love it, but I decided that I didn't want to tempt fate and we didn't go down it again. This is the slide with my dear son at the top. He wants to get a job here. He thinks he has found his niche in life.
Oh No, another slide. Look at the old woman at the top.
Notice Emma's pigtails flying in the air.
Hayride time.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Suddenly my little girl had learned she can climb up on all of the furniture. That has been our struggle this morning. She hasn't exactly figured out that she can also fall off, so we are working on NOT climbing on the furniture. She doesn't like that part of the game.
Another busy weekend ahead with band competition, work, church, etc. I thought weekends were supposed to be about relaxing? Can you tell that we had spaghetti for dinner last night?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What Grandmothers Will Do For Entertainment
Just hanging out reading the paper. Star Wars Granny.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Just Another Day In Paradise
So the answer to my prayers last night was granted. Emma slept all night! PTL. However, Brady did not and was up at 2:30 with severe pain from his mouth. His face was significantly more swollen and he was crying with pain. I medicated him with some Motrin and put him back to bed. I contacted his doctor this morning who graciously saw him on his day off and poor Brady was introduced to Xylocaine and a scalpel. The area in his mouth had increased in size and Dr. R incised and drained it today. Poor Brady looks absolutely pitiful and is currently awaiting some pain relief from his medicines.
Emma had an early E.I. apt. this morning, along with physical therapy. After that was over at 9:30, we headed to speech and then back to take Brady to the doctor. Mother came over to stay with Emma who was SUPPOSED to be napping. She evidently decided today she didn't need a nap and when Nanny checked on her Emma was certain she had hit pay dirt and was out of the bed and happy to play with Nanny. When Brady and I arrived home I found my mother in the floor in a Star Wars Chewbacka (?) mask and a bib with Emma riding on her back. Did I mention that my mother is 65? Did I mention that I don't do those things? No wonder Emma wants her grandmother to come over! I took some pics and will have to post them soon.
So we are home for a little while until it's time to pick Ashton up from practice and I don't think we will make it to church tonight. Brady will be stoned, Emma will be exhausted which translates into cranky, Bo won't be home until after 7 p.m., and I will be trying to keep it all together. This mothering job isn't for the faint of heart but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, let's see if everyone sleeps all night tonight or I may change my mind!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Where Are Those Dang Sheep
The one thing that Emma has always done fairly well since coming home is sleep. Lay her down and she goes to sleep and usually sleeps all night. She is no longer doing that which results in me no longer doing it either. She has been up 3 times the last 2 nights. She was doing that before we went on vacation and I had hoped that maybe it would be better when we got home. It was not to be.
I can't decide what the problem is. She decided about 3 weeks ago that she doesn't want any stuffed animals in her bed, no blanket, no anything. It's so hard because she can't tell me what the problem is. Is she scared, is she cold, is she hot, is she just being a 2 year old that has suddenly discovered how to pull my chain? She is always crying and wanting me to hold her. She really wants me to rock her but I'm trying to avoid that. I hold her for just a minute until she calms down and then put her back to bed. It's almost exactly an hour later and she begins the crying again. This process starts at 1 a.m. every night. You could set your watch by her wake up times. So, any suggestions? Brady was never a good sleeper and still isn't. He was up every night after he was born and it drove me crazy. The difference in Brady and Emma though would be 15 years. I was 15 years younger and probably good handle it better!
Our week has been a rat race. Emma had a 10 a.m. apt. with the hand specialist yesterday at Vandy. After FINALLY finding a parking spot and getting her in on time, we waited an hour before we were called back and another hour before he saw her. I am a nurse and I understand that doctors are busy and there are times you can't prevent these things but if you have an apt. at 10 a.m. and you have to wait 2 hours, that excessive. Emma worked on destroying the treatment room and I let her. She pulled paper off the stretcher until she had filled the trash can. She turned the light off and on approximately 1 million times and I let her. She opened and shut the door repeatedly and I let her. She pushed the stool around the room with me on it and I let her. She yelled a lot and I let her. I was hoping that we might get some one's attention, but it didn't work. So the doctor comes in 2 hours late and it's really a good thing that I love him or else I might have been rude. He is so kind and so gentle with Emma. She crawled up in his lap and took in name tag and played with it. She showed him how she wrote with his pen and we discussed how there is nothing we can do about her hands (which we already knew) and then they took so photos of her hands for teaching purposes and we left. We go back in 8 months. Even though he knows there isn't anything that he can do about her hands he just wants to follow her progress. I plan on taking some really loud toys to our next visit.
After leaving Vandy I had to rush to pick up Brady and take him to the dentist. Emma was so cute when Brady was called back. She began yelling "Bubba" and crying and rushed the door that he had gone in. She was so upset that he left her. She played for a while and then she remembered that Bubba was missing and she began doing it again. Finally, Bubba returned with clean teeth and a good tongue lashing from the dentist about his poor brushing habits. That same conversation will be repeated in 6 months when he goes back.
We leave the dentist, rush home for 30 minutes and then headed out to pick up Ashton from basketball practice. We didn't even make it to gymnastics last night because I literally didn't think I could drive any further. I was exhausted and then did I mention that I was up 3 times during the night with my precious daughter:)
Today Emma had a follow up on her ears and got a good report. Her tubes are in place and it all looks good. While we were waiting to be called back (not 2 hours thank God) she was playing in the waiting area with another little girl. The little girl was 7 and Emma was almost as tall as her. They played with the little kitchen and used blocks as food and were so cute pretending. Emma was very good and it was obvious she enjoyed having someone to play with. That is one of the bad things about all the appointments that Emma has, we have very little down time to have play dates. I really feel like she is missing out on that.
After leaving the ENT office, I met my mother and traded out children. Brady had stayed home today with some type of weird swelling and pain to the side of his face and mouth. He came upstairs this morning and was in tears and told me how bad he was hurting. He had a little cut in the corner of his mouth last week when we were at the beach and now he has this swollen area. The doctor was able to see him and put him on antibiotics and some steroid cream. He thinks it's some type of infected mucous gland and hopes that it isn't something funky he picked from the ocean. So once again my day was spent at the doctor's office! So we came home and little Miss Emma has been sleeping for the last 3 hours and while she slept, so did I. My house looks like a disaster zone, but when you can't hold up your head it's hard to clean! So I'm about to go awaken Sleeping Beauty and run her little legs off playing.
Quick cute story. When Emma left the ENT office this morning the doctor walked us out. I had already spotted the suckers when we came in and had hoped that she wouldn't see them. Yeah, right. Dr. C handed her a sucker and she immediately started yelling "Opi, Opi, Opi (open)". She yelled that all the way out of the building until I managed to trade some grapes for the sucker. She hasn't had much luck eating suckers and I certainly wasn't going to give her one in the car. The child loves suckers!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Beach Pics
The pictures are a little hazy because of the humidity. Aren't my children beautiful?
Life's A Beach
Okay, so we snuck away for a week at the beach and of course I loved it. I could lay on the beach and read a good book for days. I finished Anne of Green Gables (can you believe I had never read that) and started a new (old) Mary Higgins Clark. It was so peaceful to lay there and read and drink my Diet Coke and people watch. Did I mention that I love the beach?
Emma, however, was not as thrilled. She liked it as long as we were holding her but she DID NOT want her feet in the sand or water. The child screamed like we were killing her when we attempted to put her down. So maybe next year. She did however love the pool and managed to charm the snow birds that were there. These lovely older ladies who were doing their exercises in the pool fell in love with Emma and of course she just ate it up.
She did love the balcony and had her chair fixed just like she wanted it and would just sit and look at the ocean and the pool and yell down to anyone who might be in the pool. She was so cute. She also wanted the balcony doors left open so she could come and go as she pleased.
I managed to get a pretty significant sun burn on the first day. I can't believe that I allowed myself to do that and was pretty miserable for the next couple of days. The boys didn't get sun burned at all because all they wanted to do was stay in the condo and play video games. Can you imagine? They had Ryan along with them and I guess when there are 3 of them Call of Duty is just more fun. They did manage to enjoy the waves a couple of days and I decided that just because I love being on the beach doesn't necessarily mean that everyone else does and I left them alone to enjoy their stupid game. Every one's definition of relaxing is different I suppose.
I am really excited that we had some beach pictures taken while we were there. The photographer did the best she could with the fact that Emma would not remove herself from our arms, so there won't be any adorable pictures of Emma frolicking in the surf. We should be able to see the pictures in a couple of weeks. I am so excited and hope that they are good.
I will post the few pictures that I managed to take later on. I just wanted to post a quick update before I started trying to play catch up around here.
Emma did manage to travel well. She has been introduced to the portable DVD player and was very impressed. I can recite Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs to you if you would like? She did great in the car seat and I was so proud of her. Of course we were packed in like sardines. 3 teenage boys and 2 guitars, a laptop, an XBOX 360 game system, luggage, blankets, pillows, snacks, toys, books, cooler....well, you get the picture.
It was a nice trip and we had a lot of fun, but there is no place like home. Of course, home in now in the 40's and after being in the 80's it's quite a change!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Happy Birthday
Today is my birthday. I had hoped that my gift from Emma would be a full night's sleep. Alas, she did not give me the present that I had dreamed of. She was up 3 times and finally decided that 6 a.m. was rise and shine time. She is happily watching Beauty and the Beast, eating cereal and being a little delight. She did manage to give me the new Harry Connick CD. What a smart girl to know that I wanted that:) I would have preferred the full night's sleep, but I guess I will take what I can get.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Already?
Another busy week and I can't believe it's the weekend already. I am actually off on a Friday night and had hoped to see Brady perform at the football game, but due to the monsoon that we have been having the band isn't going to perform. Our plans are now up in the air. Ashton needs to go shopping for his "friend's" birthday present and I think I may be the lucky one to take him.
Our week has been another busy one. Bo is back to full time and although I'm thankful for that, he has been working 10 hours everyday and that makes for a long day for him and us as well. Emma had a great week at speech and O.T. and was able to string buttons and other little items to make a necklace in O.T. Ms. Linda is a stickler and is very strict and only had great things to say about Emma this week. She summed it up by saying "She is simply amazing". I would have to agree.
Some of the things that Emma did or said this week include:
- She screamed the ENTIRE time (only about 10 minutes) that I stopped in Target this week. The child hates a shopping cart and I am not giving in to her and letting her run wild in the store. I am too old to keep up with her:)
- She has had a difficult time sleeping this week. She has been up every night except one and I'm not sure what the problem is. The first night shewas very upset with the stuffed animals in her crib. She loves her monkey and Elmo, but she did not want them in the bed with her. I took them out and then she threw everyone else out that night. She has not slept with any of them since. Not sure about that.
- She did great at gymnastics this week and really worked hard. She is turning flips by herself now and has no fear at all.
- She tried to repeat "I love you" last night to Bo and it sounded so cute.
- While reading a book before bedtime, she looked at a tomato on the page and said "apple". I was really proud of her because it's not a word that we use a lot and she did it without me prompting her.
- While she was having a melt down in Target, I forgot to mention that she tossed a DVD from the cart in a manner that would make a major league pitcher look twice. The girl has an arm, especially when she is mad.
- While at the band competition on Saturday night, she danced while standing on a concrete barrier. The people behind us were laughing and I felt like we were such a distraction from the competition. What can I say, the girl has rhythm!
This was her outfit of choice one day this week. She loved it, I loved that she loved it and we were all happy.





Other highlights of the week include Ashton making the basketball team. I am so proud of him. It was a big step for him to change schools and take a chance that he might not make the team, but he did it and I applaud him for it. I'm not so sure that I could have done it. He also was in the middle school golf tournament on Monday and although he didn't shoot as well as he would have liked, they didn't come in last:) I think that overall he is liking his new school and now that he made the basketball team, I know that he will be even happier. I may lose my mind with all of the running that is involved!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Don't Think For a Second Your Dollar Doesn't Help
I wanted to share this video with you. If you are not a sponsor, perhaps you might want to consider it. They are doing great things here.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Homecoming Parade
Being the computer whiz that I am, I have inadvertently deleted my photo viewer and ability to edit photos from my desk top. I have not had time to decipher exactly what to do about that and have loaded pictures onto the laptop. Well, again being the computer whiz that I am, I'm not sure how to edit these photos, so they are not that great. In my spare time, I'm going to work on that, however, since I have not found any spare time in my schedule, you will just have to look at the extra junk in the pictures.
Brady's school homecoming was Friday and they had the parade Thursday afternoon. Brady came by so quickly that I essentially missed my photo opportunity, so he is the kid on the far side with the trombone. He looked great, take my word for it. This is Brady's friend Kayla.






Look how tall she is getting. Oh, and she picked out her clothes.



Helping mom decorate for Halloween.
