23 years ago we were married. This little boy in the tux married last weekend. Where does time go?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Could Someone Please Pass the Cheese
WHINE. Yes, that's what I have heard for the last 2 days.
Emma has been fever free for 2 days, so that is a great sign. Her cough is still pretty horrible sounding and she is just a BEAR. She wants my undivided attention no matter what I'm doing. She stood outside my shower this morning holding on to the curtain. You would have thought that I had packed up and moved. She hasn't done that in forever.
I think she misses being at school because she has mentioned school a couple of times today. For some reason, every time she mentions school, she associates it with eating because that is the next word our of her mouth.
The weather today has been PERFECT after a rainy day yesterday. She and I managed to spend some time outside swinging and feeding the chickens and she loved that. Poor thing, she continues to have this horrible fear of our dogs. She has been home for 2 years and still hates the dogs just as much as the first day. It's beyond a fear really, she is terrified when she sees them in the yard and they don't even attempt to come near her. I don't think that is ever going to get better and it makes me sad. I really don't know what to do for her to make it better.
I have managed to spend the last 2 days decluttering. I have bags and bags take to Goodwill. I managed to get rid of lots of her toys that she doesn't play with and games the boys never touch, clothes, movies, books, shoes, etc. I'm thrilled to get some stuff out of this house. My other goal for the day was to vacuum the hardwood and mop. Check it off my list....done. Of course my house still looks like a storm struck it but I'm pretty convinced that involves having a 3 year old. I won't even want to discuss those teenage boys.......
We go back to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully he will be pleased with her results. I suspect we will have to go back for another chest Xray, but I hope not.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sick Girl
Well, Miss Emma has pneumonia. We spent the day at the doctor's office and hospital getting a chest xray. She has not enjoyed her day AT ALL. She started antibiotics and hopefully that will do the trick. We have to follow up on Thursday to make sure we are improving.
I worked last night until midnight and was thrilled when Bo took the day off to help me out today. He has mastered the art of getting her to take her medicine much better than me. Who knew he was such a good nurse.
Well, that's all the news from our house. I am exhausted and plan on resting on the couch and hopefully watching Dancing with the Stars. That may not work out considering my girl doesn't want me to be out of her sight for more than 2 seconds.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Weekend Wrap Up
Our little bird seed girl. She was trying to pick it up to take to her birds.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our First Field Trip
Emma had her first field trip today and it was a hit. She enjoyed riding the barrel train and watching the animals. She used the word "yucky" while taking a bite of her cheese and repeatedly said "ride". She didn't want to get off the train or the hayride. Who are you calling a pig?
Monday, October 18, 2010
More Disney......
This is one of those moments that I wish I had worn more makeup. Oh, well.... Dinner at the the Sci Fi Restaurant.
Yeah, yeah, another princess. Great mom.
So we flew to Orlando last Saturday morning and made our first stop at Epcot. We managed to get in a ride and dinner and then make it back to the hotel. Emma was exhausted but ever bit the trooper.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Just A Few More Disney Pics.
The tree lady at Animal Kingdom. That is a job she can keep! Emma loved watching the Beauty and the Beast production.
Beast in one of the many parades.
Aunt Pam and Emma.
Emma wasn't too sure about Piglet.