Monday, January 24, 2011

Wouldn't You Just Know It?

I read a survey last week that said the average family does 7 loads of laundry in a week. At last, I AM ABOVE AVERAGE and I MEAN WAY ABOVE! I want to meet these people named Average and learn their secret...

Today started at 4 a.m. with little Miss Priss waking up with a wet bed and requiring new p.j.s and sheets. We quickly changed our p.j.s and before she could be put back in bed, she leaned in to me and held up that little finger and told me "Shhhh, night night" and headed straight for our bed. What's a woman to do? I'll tell you, you lay in bed next to the little rat and remind her that she needs to be sleeping and not talking and kicking and slobbering because it would be nice to get another hour of sleep. Needless to say, we were up at 5 with daddy and that was that. She started her morning off with Winnie the Pooh and a sausage biscuit and juice. Does it get any better?

You would think that a little girl would be extremely tired when she was picked up at school but she managed to go strong all the way home and then some. She was especially funny when I went around a curve and apparently her car seat is a little loose and she leaned heavily to the left. Her eyes got huge and she cracked up laughing. Me, not so much.

It is finally quiet and I know it won't last long. Brady will be home soon and Ashton will have to be picked up from practice and Emma has gymnastics and there's dinner to make and clothes to fold and the list goes on and on. I refer to it as domestic bliss and I know that in the not so far off future, I will miss it all.

After doing laundry all day, it's a chance I might just be willing to take:)

1 comment:

Leah said...

I'm unfortunately above average in this department as well. I think right now I'm averaging about 10.