Thursday, January 6, 2011

This, That, and Emma Meets an Emesis Basin

Catchy title isn't it?

As I sit here at my desk in my pajamas at 1 p.m. with Mulan, Belle, Ariel, and the entire cast of The Princess and the Frog sit on my desk mocking me, I am reminded that sometimes plans just don't work out.

I was,and still am, fired up about the new year and getting organized and some other top secret plans. I had my week planned and just knew that my accomplishments would be many. Oh, plans, such fickle things.

Emma went to the ENT Monday to have her hearing checked and tubes evaluated. She didn't pass the hearing exam, partly due to the fact she didn't want to pay attention. We scheduled another appointment for today complete with a "special treat" when she payed attention. This girl is loving her some Hershey's Kisses and they were packed and ready to go. Meanwhile, upon looking in her ears, Dr. C saw the right tube in the canal and removed it, not without some kicking and screaming on Emma's part. Needless to say, she was very unimpressed with the whole deal and I'm sure would have been equally unimpressed today had she made her appointment. She did however discover that when the chips are down, nothing can pick you back up like Krispy Kreme doughnuts. That was "her" treat after the visit on Monday. I may or may not have eaten 1 or 4 of them.

Home to meet the cable/Internet/phone person to work on our wireless. It was all too crazy and Emma missed her nap, I got called to come to work that night if I could, Ashton had ball practice, Brady had something.....The list goes on and on.

I did work Monday night, but only until 1 a.m. so that wasn't too bad. My wonderful husband decided that it might be in every one's best interest for him to take Tuesday off to help out and thank God he did. We ended up with 6 boys between early dismissal from school until ball practice. Emma missed her nap AGAIN after going to school, Bo had to take a bus load of boys to a game after playing Mr. Mom all day. Emma and I decided to stay home and turn in early. Good decision on our part.

Yesterday was a repeat of the day before minus the work part and I was down to only 4 boys in between early dismissal and ball practice that I was instructed by Ashton ended at 4. Apparently there is some type of conspiracy. Ashton was the only boy on the team who wasn't aware that practice ended at 5 p.m. while his mom and sister sat in the car trying not to freeze. Interestingly enough, when all of the other parents began pulling in at 5 p.m. it became clear that my sweet, dear Ashton was clueless and I had just wasted an hour. Oh that sweet boy. And don't even consider texting your mother when you get a 30 second water break......

Rushed home, made dinner, cleaned kitchen, began to attempt to relax. Bo and Emma appear upstairs and suddenly she looks a bit green around the gills and as I comment on that, she vomits all over her and me and our bed and the screaming begins. NOT ME - her. She was not impressed with this particular bodily function and the fact that it had gotten on her favorite scrubs. We made it to the bathroom and a quick bath and it was nothing but mommas lap from that point on. During that time, I introduced her to the emesis basin and she became a champ. Poor kiddo was sick a couple of times after that and then the Phenergan suppository appeared and if you think the vomiting was bad, well let me just say......She was none too impressed with that at all. Luckily the vomiting subsided and she slept in my bed all night. She slept. I was on the receiving end of all the kicking. She has not been sick today and has managed to keep some soup and very dilute juice down. I'm hoping it was just a 24 hour thing and no one else has the privilege.

Alas, we ended up canceling our hearing test for day and will have to reschedule. I have used this day to attempt to finish laundry and clean while holding her and playing. She has been a bit melancholy and doesn't want mom too far from her sight. That's not such a bad thing....

As I have shared before, I have a constant battle between the desire to adopt again and the desire to maintain my sanity. I have looked at the pros and cons on both sides and I try to weigh them out. I don't believe that we are supposed to adopt again but it is hard. While Emma was in my bed last night and I was stroking her little cheek, she reached up so sweetly with her little hand and rubbed my cheek as well. I couldn't help but wonder if she had ever had anyone to rub her cheek or hold her closely when she was sick. It hurts to think that she spent 19 months of her life in an orphanage with no mom and dad. I choose to put it out of my head as much as possible, but in those moments of quiet it's there.

If you want to have your heart touched, please visit my friend Stephanie's blog. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. It might make you understand just some of the reasons why I struggle with the whys and why nots of adoption.


Melissa said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh! So sorry Emma was sick. (and I had no idea what an emesis basin was)

I'm ignoring Stephanie's post simply because we're moving to Texas in 5 months so I can't even think about it. Even though CHSFS has no waiting right now for boy referrals. Ignoring.

Annie said...

Thank you so much for your very sweet comment on my blog and esp.for your prayers for our Lizzie!! She is doing great, btw! I so know how you feel about the craziness of life! Boy have I BTDT!! LOL! There are times when I just don't think I can get through another day like the one I just survived! However, we do and we go on and the Lord gives us what we need. Hang in there and I hope your Emma continues to feel better! There is nothing worse than that tummy bug!!! UGH!