Establishing a healthy work ethic EARLY. Actually she just loves a broom. (I'm LOVING my new deck.)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Another Day, Another Bathing Suit
Monday, June 28, 2010
It's Been A Long Day
Emma spent the morning with Giggee and Pop so that I could work a few hours today. She was very busy and came home and played all afternoon. I was busy in the kitchen when Bo came home and pointed this out. She was sleeping soundly while watching Shaun the Sheep. It was one of those sweet moments that you just want to remember always.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Two Very Different Faces
It's official. My boy has gotten his license. This is a face of pure happiness and joy. A face that screams "I'm growing up." This face screams "I'm growing old."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Emma and the boys had a dental visit yesterday. This was Emma's first and overall she did well. She walked back without me (holding tightly to Brady's hand). When it was over and they called me to come back she was being pulled in a wagon by Brady. She looked so happy. Apparently looks can be deceiving because evidently she had been very UNHAPPY while she was in the dental chair. The dentist said things went well for the first part of the exam but Emma quickly decided that it was time to be done. Brady described it as horrible screaming and words that he had never heard Emma use before. Chinese profanity perhaps? Oh well, she got a good report and I'm sure she won't be scarred for life. Apparently a new tooth brush made it all worthwhile.
My water heater is currently working. This makes me very happy. My deck is on schedule to be completed on Saturday. I intend to have my coffee on my new deck on Sunday morning. This also makes me very happy!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
What's Going On Around Here?
Next memory lapse. I watered the dogs Friday afternoon. Guess what, if you leave the faucet on for 2-3 hours your dogs will have more water than they need. Do you see a trend? I do. I'm really wondering about my brain power or lack thereof. When Bo came in and sweetly asked "Who watered the dogs today" I realized what I had done. Oh the shame.....
So as soon as I can remember to write it down on my list, I'm going to buy the new Great Mind vitamin that's out. If I can remember to take it I will let you know if I think I see a difference. I'm hoping my problem is that I'm over stressed and have way to many things on my mind and not signs of some early neurological decline. I'm only half way joking because it really does scare me sometimes.
Sunday I worked HARD. I have never enjoyed working in the Emergency Room on Sundays. It's usually a very busy place to be. Sunday also marked the 2 year anniversary of our referral call. I can't believe that it has been 2 years since I looked into that little face of our daughter and wondered what life was going to be like. When I look at her now it's hard to believe that she hasn't always been here with us.
Yesterday was spent at 3 different gyms watching boys play basketball. Emma was exhausted, I was exhausted and very thankful when my mom volunteered to take Ashton to meet up with the other players this morning. He managed to catch a ride with one of the other parents and I have NO guilt over this. Emma couldn't have lasted another day in the gym and I'm pretty sure I might not have made it either.
So today started out with no hot water AGAIN. We have been having some water heater issues and Bo thought it was fixed. Apparently the water heater is getting the last laugh. It is almost 100 degrees outside, but I have no desire to jump in a cold shower and attempt to shave my legs or wash my hair. Poor Emma has to get a bath tonight and I guess I will be carting hot water to the bath tub. I'm feeling very pioneer like.
I guess that about wraps it up. I'm sure there are other fascinating things to talk about but since I have that whole memory issue I guess I will have to make myself a list and get back to you about them.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday Again
Well, I have a new coffee pot and a new car battery. Merry Christmas to me.
This has been another crazy week and the weekend doesn't look much better. I have had extra boys at my house EVERY night this week. I really don't mind that much, but after a while it's time for my boys to understand that we need a break. If I want to walk around my house in my pajamas uninhibited, then I should be able to. That's hard to do with extra boys around. I'm going to have to put the hammer down next week and limit it a bit.
Bo has to work tomorrow and I have to work Sunday. There goes the weekend. Ashton has ball camps next week and has to be at the school early on Monday and Tuesday. I'm not sure how I plan on working it with Emma. I am sure she doesn't want to spend an entire day in a hot gym watching boys play ball. I really don't think I do either. I will have to develop my plan of action and see how it goes.
Wednesday should prove to interesting as well as all 3 of mine have dental appointments. This will be the first one for Emma. Fun times!
The boys volunteered (reluctantly) helping with commodities this week. They helped to hand out food to folks who qualify and it was a good thing for them to do. They had done it before a few years ago and I volunteered them this week. Brady came to the conclusion that no one is ever going to smoke in his automobile because he smelled so much smoke while loading cars. Ashton came to the conclusion that it made him uncomfortable for an "old" lady (probably my age) to put a tip in his pocket. He wasn't impressed.....
Emma has been so full of herself this week. She has decided that she doesn't want to wear any pajamas except for footie p.j.'s and she takes her pants off and throws them in the floor after I leave her room. She proceeds to crying like she is being eaten alive and there I find her pants in the floor. FINE. Wear the hot winter p.j.'s if you must. She also continues to dress herself and resembles a homeless person most of the time. She may be the next Vera Wang or Stella McCartney. She knows exactly what she wants to wear and drives me CRAZY. I refuse to let her wear mismatched things if we have any important appointments, etc. but I don't care if she looks like a hobo around here. It makes her very happy.
She had the sweetest little moment yesterday afternoon. I was attempting to clean up the dishes after feeding the masses and she was watching the boys out the dining room window. They were playing basketball and swimming and she was just standing there so sweet. I went upstairs and got her bathing suit and she was so happy. She couldn't wait to put it on and we went out and sat on the pool steps and got our feet wet. She looked up at me with the sweetest grin and reached up and put her little arms around me and hugged me so tight saying "ugh, ugh, ugh" (or however you spell the hug sound......) It was one of those moments that about melted my heart.
Emma went to mother's house this morning for her Friday morning visit. They ran a few errands and mother decided to visit the grocery with Emma. I don't think she will make that mistake again. She informed me anytime that I needed to grocery shop I could leave Emma with her. YES indeed. The child wants to push the cart and wants no direction. A visit to Sam's with her this week about caused me to have a breakdown. She was horrible and if there were not so many security cameras I may have beaten her right there. The sweet little sample lady came over to her and tried to console her while I was grinding coffee. She gave her a trash bag sample......Needless to say, Emma was not impressed. She did manage to enjoy the chicken nugget sample. This girl is something else!!!!!!
I have been having problems sleeping lately and I think it's because of a book that I have been reading. Silent Tears is a book about an American lady that volunteers at a Chinese orphanage for several years. She becomes quite the advocate for orphans and it has been a very moving book. It has been very hard to read however and then close my eyes and go to sleep. I'm not sure that I could have done what she did and kept my composure. I recommend it to anyone who has adopted or is in the process. But be prepared, it's not an easy book to read. Maybe more people should read it and get a feel for these kids who spend their lives in an orphanage just waiting for a mom and dad.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Stars Are Not Aligned
This has started out as a very weird morning for me.
Emma slept until 7:15. Praise GOD. I rushed down to the coffee pot to make coffee and back to give her a bath. When I came downstairs my coffee had not brewed. WHAT's THE DEAL? I checked out all the buttons, replugged it, moved it to another plug, you name it. It's 9:46 and I have had NO coffee.
Okay, so I will go buy a new pot. Shower, dress, out to start my car. CAR WON'T START!! No coffee, no means of travel. This ain't starting out to be a good day.
I will keep you posted.
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Brief Recap
I am very limited on time right now, so here is just a brief recap of the week.
Brady, back from camp. Survived, exhausted, had a great time. Much laundry to be done:(
Ashton, survived first week of ball camp and practice. He found out that when you decide to become a weight lifter, you really should stretch. Has been eating Motrin this week:)
Bo's week off. Not so much. BUSY!!!!
Emma, dressed herself this morning and I'm afraid she looks a bit like Daisy Duke.