Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Silly Girl

Okay, so these are out of order. The first picture is Emma just before she throws her cup on the floor and lets me know just how she feels about drinking from a cup.

Not interested.

This is disgusting.

Okay mom. I'll try it but I ain't liking it.

During lunch yesterday Emma was really being silly. I was able to capture some of that silliness. She loves to "give me the eye". Isn't' she adorable? Well yes, I am a little partial.

Remember Arnold "What you talkin about Willis?" I think that is the look she is giving.


Edgar and Barbara said...

Oh my!! She is just so cute! Love the "eye" look. Emma has sure gotten big. It's amazing what 9 months can do.

Barbara (Figueroa)

Melissa said...

Cute pictures! Sorry she's still hatin' on the cup!

Maria said...

And still wearing those glasses I see!! Would it help if she were around another little Asian girl drinking from a cup?? I'd be GLAD to lend you one. But, a warning: don't put her in a crib -- she'll climb out!! :-) Hope it gets easier with the cup.