Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday - Someone Needs a Happy Pill

You know when you get the rare opportunity to go to dinner with your husband and you just want to enjoy each other's company and suddenly you hear a screaming child that is throwing a tantrum of great proportion and you think "someone needs to beat that child" and suddenly you realize that child is yours. That describes our evening out last night. Bo and I took advantage of our last night without the boys to have dinner. It's amazing how much cheaper you can eat when you don't have 2 growing boys with you. We did have Emma with us and it was all fun and games until she got really mad about something, we aren't sure what set her off and pounded her little hand on the table and gave us a look that kills and began screaming. That went on for approximately eternity and then when the waitress offered her Teddy Grahams and actually picked up the fork and fed her a bite of her food, it was over. I think it started when she got ketchup on her finger and Bo attempted to wipe it off. Who Knew?

So if you were in the restaurant last night and saw an adorable Asian little girl having a tantrum and thought to yourself "those parents should beat the child", just know that we thought the same thing. No beating actually took place, it was only in my mind:)

Emma also decided that 5:30 was a good time to wake up this morning and may I add that she has been a BEAR all morning. I am waiting on my campers to get home any minute and then little Miss and I are taking a nap.

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hey Mayme, I didn't know how else to get in touch with you... I would love to have that pound cake recipe if you give out your recipes that is. It was so yummy!