Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for many things and will be especially thankful when school starts back......I have been in the house for 4 days now and I stand in need of some routine. We live on top of a big hill with a very long and difficult driveway. Bo has made it out, but I have not. Brady got stuck Tuesday, which was a good experience for him because he seems to think he is some amazingly capable driver. When he had to walk up the driveway he received a revelation that he is indeed not that experienced.

Back to being thankful....I am especially thankful for these goofy kids who had a lot of fun playing outside yesterday afternoon. I realize that allowing your children to be pulled on a sled behind an ATV may be a dangerous way to have fun, but we tend to live on the edge around here. That and they were afraid that mom would beat them in they got too careless.

This boy and this girl have become pretty close. She wants to be down in the man cave with them a lot now. She fell asleep on Ashton's bed with him Monday night while watching a movie. It was adorable and he was very pleased with himself when he came upstairs to tell me "your daughter is sleeping in my bed."

I personally think this guy is extremely handsome. Goofy, yes, but very sweet.

A new wardrobe discovery. The helmet weighs almost as much as she does, but she managed to wear it all evening and again this morning. I am thankful for a girl who has style.....


Melissa said...

Looks like fun! I wondered if you'd been able to get out because of your driveway.

Thankful when they go back to school is at the top of my list too.

Brenda Lewis said...

Great Pics!! Looks like fun! I think everyone is ready to get back to their routine.