Monday, January 17, 2011

Free At Last - Almost

As I sit here drinking a cup of coffee and catching up on life, I can't say how thankful I am not to have to work another shift tonight! Yes, I did steal Dr. Martin Luther King's line, but it does feel like I'm free. I have worked the last 3 nights and although Saturday night was only 7 hours, it felt like an eternity due to Flu season being upon us. Be ready folks, it's here. Wash your hands, get out your Lysol spray, don't shake hands, sneeze in your elbow, up the vitamin intake, have plenty of Tylenol on hand, because it's that time of year and why anyone in their right mind would sign up to work extra shifts during the dreaded season of crud is beyond me. Oh that's right, I'm not independently wealthy and I have children to feed. It's all coming back to me now.

So I have sort of survived the weekend and although our house looks a bit like a nuclear bomb went off and it's going to take a while to get things back in order, it does feel good to be home. I would bet that Bo would agree, having played Mr. Mom for the last 3 days. When he stormed in to our bedroom yesterday morning while I was attempting to sleep and used a certain tone to ask "I hate to wake you, but do you know where Emma's belt is?" I could hear her screaming in the background and he looked as though he had reached stroke level. Funny how a little girl can do that do you. Not that I would know anything about that......I suspect it was a good thing that he was on his way to church. I think somebody stood in need of a little prayer.

After 4 snow days and a holiday today, I am so HOPING and PRAYING that my children go back to school tomorrow and that life can get back to our crazy normal routine. After that many days at home, togetherness is all but lost. I love these kiddos but am really willing to share them with the public school system.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your posts always bring me a smile! Thanks for sharing!
