Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh Blessed Nap Time

Today is one of those days that reminds me that I probably wouldn't be able to handle another toddler. Little Miss has been pushing her boundaries and I have been pushing back and nap time couldn't have come quick enough! She is really testing the waters! If I had another little one those waters would be over my head! I'm barely staying afloat as it is!

Some of the really cute things that she is busy doing now (and I know everyone wants to know, but this is mostly to help me recall when I get a chance to work on her scrapbook:) include:

  • She is constantly having to kiss me. She can't walk into the other room without hunting me down and kissing me so sweetly on the cheek. The kid couldn't pay attention at gymnastics last night because she was too busy kissing me.
  • For those of you who have not had the extreme pleasure of watching The Wiggles 500 TIMES a day, you might not know Jeff. He suffers from narcolepsy because he is "always falling asleep". The other 3 guys are constantly having to wake him up and that is Emma's favorite part. She is going around yelling "1,2, Wake up Jeff", but it sounds more like "da, da, waaaaaa". She loves it when you pretend to be Jeff and let her wake you up. It never gets old!
  • When she has to tell me something, she pulls my face down to hers and tells me whatever it is (I swear the child is speaking Chinese.) and then cuts her eyes to place much emphasis on it. It's hilarious.
  • Playing the guitar and singing her songs. Again, in Chinese.
  • She is counting when she goes up and down the steps and you can understand 1 and 2, then you are on your own.
  • Telling me to "be careful", but it comes out sounding like "be awful".
  • "DOE" She is constantly telling me this, which when interpreted means NO. This is her new favorite word.

So as you can see, the girl is busy. She continues to want to climb on the counter and rummage around as well. We have found her with her table pulled up to it about to climb on! She also continues to suffer from her clepto habits. After cleaning Brady's room today I found 3 guitar picks and a AAA battery in her pocket. She was too cute when she realized she had been busted!

She had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon regarding her feet yesterday and he was pleased with what he saw. She doesn't have to go back for 2 years!

1 comment:

Maria said...

If we got an interpreter, do you think THEY could understand our wee ones? I'm certain Ellie is speaking a foreigh language. She has all the facial expressions to go along with it -- like I'M the one who just doesn't get it!! :-)